Opções de inscrição

In partnership with the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), EUMETSAT offers a testbed to prepare Aviation Forecasters for using data from the new Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) satellite programme in their operations. 

The FMI aviation testbed simulates an on-site operational meteorological forecasting environment, enhancing the skills of aviation forecasters in using EUMETSAT satellite data and products in aviation services. FMI will use the GEOWEB environment to run the training testbed, providing the full suite of typical products from models to observations, including in particular satellite-based products on icing potential as well as fog/low clouds and visibility. 

Target groupForecasters from the EUMETSAT Member States who train other forecasters, with a strong background in aviation meteorology. 

Location: FMI headquarters in Helsinki, Finland

21 – 24 May 2024 

Autoinscrição (Participant)
Autoinscrição (Participant)