Instructor feedback - available to participants after the completion of each topic

Sitio: EUMETSAT Moodle
Curso: RA-I Meteorological Satellite Applications course on Identifying African Weather Systems & Features in Satellite Imagery (E-SAC XVII 2019)
Libro: Instructor feedback - available to participants after the completion of each topic
Imprimido por: Visiteur anonyme
Día: miércoles, 3 de julio de 2024, 05:48

1. End of Introduction Week Instructor feedback

As you are all aware, the preparatory week started on 29th July 2019 and ends today 2nd August 2019. A welcome note was posted to the course forum. During the first week, participants were given an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the course guidelines, to introduce themselves to other participants and also to create an interactive platform with colleagues from across Africa and basically allowed participants to explore the course platform.

Introductions: It was great and very interesting to read from everyone from all over Africa and we are glad that this platform has created an opportunity to interact, network and share ideas. We therefore encourage you all to continue with the same spirit and discuss ideas and even share interesting weather related ideas.

Pre-Course quiz: We are happy to see that 18 of you have already completed the quiz which is mandatory to proceed with the course. Majority of the participants have enjoyed the pre-course quiz as it has given them the opportunity to refresh their knowledge before beginning the course next week. The quiz has also created a yearning for more knowledge for some of you and we can tell the enthusiasm to get on with the course.

I would also like to bring to your notice that 12 participants have not yet completed the quiz and therefore for them to proceed on with the course, they need to do so.

Course guide: We hope that you were all able to read the course guide which is very enlightening on all aspects regarding this course.


  • Your reflections were very positive and we are glad that apart from minor internet connectivity issues, you were all able to use the Moodle platform with ease.
  • For more information on the schedule of the course especially on classroom physical phase, read about it in Course Guide, Chapter 6.
  • For information on how to reduce the number of emails from forum postings, you can find it explained in the course Guide, chapter 3.
  • Deadline: Am happy to inform you that the deadline of the quiz has been extended to 8th August 2019 to accommodate participants who have not yet completed the quiz to do so.


By Scholastic and Joseph

2. End of Part 1 Instructor feedback.

This instructor feedback is based on your reflections as well as the instructors´ analysis about the discussions in the thematic forums. 

Topic: ITCZ (Scholastic Maloba)

I would like to appreciate all the coordinators of this online course by making sure all the activities run smoothly.

The first part of the online course (5th to 16th August) started off well.  The section had three main parts: ITCZ, Anticyclones and Tropical Lows. This part of the online session  went on well and most of the participants completed the ITCZ topic.

 Some participants joined late while others had some difficulties login into the site. With time this issue was sorted out and the communication was smooth. Internet was also a challenge to some participants which resulted into late submission of their answers to the forum

The question of discussion for the first topic (ITCZ) in part one was: Think of your region, what are the systems that affect your region and how do satellite imagery help you to identify them?

Many participants did well. The answers were varied where by some participants gave detailed answers which was very encouraging because others could learn on how others go about locating the system in their country. Others were so brief and were requested to elaborate their answers of which some did well. The answers given also showed that most participants made good use of learning materials availed to them at the start of the course.

It was also evident that most of the participants understood well on how to locate the ITCZ and most of them explained that they used additional products in their countries together with the satellite images to easily and confidently locate the ITCZ .

The participants on average performed well, though some could not clearly explain how to use different satellite channels to identify the systems. Am hopeful that the class phase will help the participants to acquire the necessary skills needed to identify the systems.

Last but not least, I would like to thank the online course coordinators for giving me the opportunity to interact with the participants.

Topic: Anticyclones (Simon Musyimi)

Most students from the tropics in attempt to explain on “The impacts of synoptic scale systems in your own region” concentrated on the major influences/ impacts of ITCZ and Airmass among other phenomenon commonly found in Tropics. There were less or fewer attempts to explain the influences and impacts of anticyclones within the region, especially on the operational side of forecasting. But colleagues from Sub tropics and higher latitudes had quite a good grasp of their effect and contribution to their day to day weather operations. In general, the participation of participants is quite good and energetic and I perceive that most of them have a passion to really understand how satellite data can help in fortifying their grip of  weather forecasting and prediction.

Topic: Tropical Lows (Kgolo Mahlangu)

I am generally happy with the participants responses to the topic posed regarding Tropical Lows. The discussions showed a lot of enthusiasm and a lot of understanding. Many participants did well in explaining the effects Tropical Lows have in their regions and also how they go about identifying them on various satellite imagery they have at their disposal. The usage of satellite imagery was very impressive to me, you do very well in that regard. From what I gather, the systems lead to torrential rain in most places, which could have good or bad impacts. The bad being that it leads to flooding if prolonged, causing havoc in the continent.  Thanks a lot for the educative perspectives we received in the discussions.

3. End of Part 2 Instructor feedback

After a very busy and informative 2 weeks of Mesoscale features, we now have to summarize what the participants experienced, and the instructors. Before getting to the feedback, I must first Thank Sarah for her brilliant Web Briefing, and I see most participants enjoyed it as well. There is a call for another session from Sarah :)


There seem to have been a few technical issues with access to the course in recent week, with network stability and connectivity being the main reasons for this. On average though, access seemed straight forward  for most participants. I am please to read that the convective work was well received and that participants seem to learn a lot from the satellite imagery being used and that the weather briefing was a fantastic addition to the resources that were provided. The ASMET 5 module was mentioned in particular, as a valuable resource. The participants are also pleased to be conversing with one another and learning from one another. Of course, more live Weather briefings are always requested, and will be considered for the next course.

In terms of improvements and changes to the course in future, there are requests for the course to take place over a longer time period, to allow for operational rotations and work schedules. Also, the addition of more case studies to learn from for the participants. An interesting addition, was that one participant noted that they should have interacted earlier in the discussions, in order to gain more feedback and conversation. To me, this is a very important point, as the nature of the online course is such that we can all communicate, learn and teach one another. It seems like many people spent a lot of time on this part of the course, yet still found time to fit it in between their regular work. I appreciate each participants dedication to the course, even though time can be very difficult to find.

As I was reviewing each participants inputs, I always find it fascinating to learn about the impacts that are felt from phenomena such as thunderstorms, rainfall and Fog. Thank you all for sharing your experience with me. There were a few gaps in mentioning the use an value of the satellite imagery with mesoscale features, but hopefully our guidance can help you all with that.

Thank you to all who participated and I look forward to meeting some of you in Pretoria

4. End of Course Instructor feedback

Brief summary of the course at the end of the course.