Downloading data from Copernicus Marine Service

This guide is a very short introduction to using the Copernicus Marine Service (CMEMS) to download data for use wihin coding examples. There are further guides available on the CMEMS User Corner

Step 1

First the starting point is to navigate to If this is your first visit now is a good time to register and create an account, if you already have an account you should login now. From the front page click on the "Access Data" menu option in the top right, highlighted in the first image below. On teh next page you will click on the "Ocean Products" option as highlightedin the second picture.

CMEMS landing page CMEMS data landing page

Step 2

Now we will search for a dataset that has the information we need, the search interface offers spatial, temporal, parameter, and free text search options.

Enter some options to reduce the available datasets that are shown. When you want to select a dataset, simply click on its block or image.

CMEMS data selection page

Step 3

The next page you will see is the "Product Page". This page provides essential metadata about the dataset, for instance the spatial coverage and resolution. You will also find here a listing of available variables within the dataset. Take some time to read about the dataset and see what information you can find.

When ready click the "Data Access" button on the right hand side to move on to data subsetting.

CMEMS product page

Step 4

Now we have chosen our dataset we can select whether to take only a protion of it instead of downloading the whole dataset. This is usually reducing the amount of time and space covered by the dataset or by reducing the number of variables that will be provided to us in the downloaded file.

The two screenshots below show the subsetting options. First the spataial and temporal selection options. You may enter latitudes and longitudes for a bounding box, and select start and end dates for your period of interest.

Secondly the variables selection, simply uncheck and variables you do not wish to download.

Finally, Click the download button to start the file processing. You will be show a loading page while your file is prepared then it should automatically offer it for download in your web browser.

CMEMS landing page CMEMS landing page

CMEMS landing page