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Página Help

Help and FAQ.

Página About Us

Informtion about this website.

Página CALMet Online 2012

[Insert the description here]

Página EUMETSAT Conference

EUMETSAT Conference Training session

Página EUMETSAT Precipitation Week

EUMETSAT Precipitation Week

Página CM SAF Workshop 2015

CM SAF Workshop 2015

Página Satellite Direct Readout

Satellite Direct Readout

Página CM SAF Online Event 2013

CM SAF Online Event 2013

Ficheiro CM SAF Overview - animation

This is an animation presented in the CM SAF Overview.

Pasta CM SAF Online Event Oct 2013

This folder contains of presentations delivered in the CM SAF Online Week.

Página CALMet Commons

CALMet Commons

Página Calendar of Events

Calendar of Events

Página Recordings of the webinar about the access to the Rapid Scat data

Recordings of the webinar about the access to the Rapid Scat data

Página Baltic+ 2017: Online Assessment Task 1.
Página Site policy
Página A Quick Guide to the EUMETSAT Moodle site