Tema Nombre Descripción
URL Reference document on the establishment of the SALGEE initiative at CGMS-38, 2010


Archivo SALGEE Terms of references


To gather experts in the field of satellite meteorology to complement the activities of the EUMETSAT Land Surface Analysis Satellite Application Facility (LSA SAF) in order to progress the use of satellite Land Surface Analysis techniques in Eastern Europe and other regions of interest where their application might be beneficial. The Satellite Applications in Land surface analyses Group for Eastern Europe (SALGEE) will foster an integrated meteorological and climatological approach for research and operational activates related to the quantification of biogeophysical and biochemical cycles and related land surface processes, in combination with information from in situ data, model output and satellite observations.

8th SALGEE & LSA SAF User Workshop (25-26 Nov 2024) Archivo Workshop Agenda 2024
Carpeta Access here presentations and posters
Read more on: Previous SALGEE workshops Carpeta SALGEE2021 Materials
Carpeta SALGEE2019 Materials
Carpeta SALGEE2017 Materials
Carpeta SALGEE2015 Materials

SALGEE2015 Materials

Carpeta SALGEE2013 Materials

SALGEE2013 Materials

Carpeta Opening presentations
Carpeta Lectures
Carpeta Regional Practices

Presentations of drought and risc of fires assesment activities in National Meteo Services (Greece, Slovenia, FYROM)

Carpeta Lectures
Carpeta Regional Practices

Presentations of drought and risc of fires assesment activities in National Meteo Services (Greece, Bulgaria, Albania, FYROM)

Case studies (section hidden) Página SALGEE 7th Workshop: Presentation recordings
Archivo Wrap up Days FinalDiscussion 26Nov2021
Archivo Report 7thSALGEE2021 External