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CM SAF Community Site

This website is designed to serve as the user interaction platform of the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility of Climate Monitoring (CM SAF). CM SAF generates and operationally provides climate data sets derived from satellite observations. The data sets include cloud information, surface and top-of-the-atmosphere radiation, water vapor, precipitation, and ocean surface fluxes.

The CM SAF Community Site contains

  • a "Getting started" section with all information necessary for a quick start using CM SAF data
  • selected examples of applications using CM SAF data
  • material of past and recent training wokshops
  • disucssion forums to exchange experiences with and ask questions on CM SAF data and software tools

Have fun exploring the site! 

To participate in the CM SAF Community:

  • If you have a user account already, log in to the website and then enrol yourself to this page.
  • If you are a NEW Training Zone user, you have to create an account first.

Self enrolment (Member)
Self enrolment (Member)