Section : 4. Discover the data: IASI onboard MetOp | User workshop and training on fire monitoring products (2020) | EUMETSAT

Page principale du cours
  • Welcome to the User Workshop and Training on Fire Monitoring

    An online event through interactive data discovery and user practices on state-of-the-art operational datasets for detection of fire, related emissions and impacts

    Jointly organized by EUMETSAT, CAMS-ECMWFAC SAFLSA SAF

    with support from Copernicus

      Data Discovery Week 
              11-15 May - Daily webinars with experts on datasets with interactive handling (open access).

      Data Discovery Resources
              A collection of videos and presentations of datasets designed for the training workshop, but open to all.     

              18-19 May - A two day workshop on practical workflows and user needs (for registered participants only).

4. Discover the data: IASI onboard MetOp

  • 4. Discover the data: IASI onboard MetOp

    IASI is an infrared Fourier transform spectrometer developed jointly by CNES (the French spatial agency) with support of the scientific community, and by EUMETSAT. IASI is mounted on-board the European polar-orbiting MetOp satellite with the primary objective to improve numerical weather predictions, by measuring tropospheric temperature and humidity with high horizontal resolution and sampling. IASI also contributes greatly to atmospheric composition measurements for climate and chemistry applications, providing observations both day and night.  IASI retrieves observations of several trace gases and aerosols, for this course primarily carbon monoxide (CO) will be used. Currently, from IASI observations CO and sulphur dioxide (SO2) are part of AC SAF product family. In this section you will find out how to access IASI CO data.