Secção: 6 Eumetsat LSA-SAF | User workshop and training on fire monitoring products (2020) | EUMETSAT

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  • Welcome to the User Workshop and Training on Fire Monitoring

    An online event through interactive data discovery and user practices on state-of-the-art operational datasets for detection of fire, related emissions and impacts

    Jointly organized by EUMETSAT, CAMS-ECMWFAC SAFLSA SAF

    with support from Copernicus

      Data Discovery Week 
              11-15 May - Daily webinars with experts on datasets with interactive handling (open access).

      Data Discovery Resources
              A collection of videos and presentations of datasets designed for the training workshop, but open to all.     

              18-19 May - A two day workshop on practical workflows and user needs (for registered participants only).

6 Eumetsat LSA-SAF

  • 6 Eumetsat LSA-SAF

    The Eumetsat LSA SAF (Land Surface Analysis Application Facility) is generating products from MSG and Metop satellites, allowing  to characterize and to monitor land surfaces. The data is available in Near Real Time (NRT) and  Climate Data Records for some products are also available, enabling homogeneous time series analysis of several parameters. LSA SAF products are produced since 2004, at different time frequencies: from 15 min, for the case of MSG derived products, to daily and ten daily, for Metop based products. 

    From the set of products produced by the LSA SAF, the vegetation products, such as NDVI and fAPAR enable to characterize the vegetation conditions. 

    The ENDVI (EPS NDVI)  are near-global, 10-daily composite images which are synthesized from the "best available" observations registered in the course of every "dekad" by the orbiting earth observation system Metop-AVHRR.

    Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) defines the fraction of PAR (400-700 nm) absorbed by the green parts of the canopy, and thus expresses the canopy's energy absorption capacity. FAPAR depends both on canopy structure, leaf and soil optical properties and irradiance conditions. FAPAR has been recognized as one of the fundamental terrestrial state variables in the context of the global change sciences (Steering Committee for GCOS, 2003; Gobron et al., 2006). It is a key variable in models assessing vegetation primary productivity and, more generally, in carbon cycle models implementing up-to-date land surfaces process schemes. Besides, FAPAR it is an indicator of the health of vegetation. FAPAR is generally well correlated with the LAI, the more for healthy fully developed vegetation canopies.

    Many wild fires are anticipated by extreme warm conditions. Maps of Land Surface Temperature allows to evaluate the extent of regions affected by very high temperatures. 

    The EDLST (EPS Daily Land Surface Temperature) provides a day-time and nigh-time retrievals of LST based on clear-sky measurements from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on-board EUMETSAT polar system satellites, the Metop series.

    Fires location and intensity can be followed with the LSA SAF Fire Radiative Power (FRP) product, base on MSG observations. 

    The FRP product records information on the location, timing and fire radiative power (MWatts) output of landscape fires detected every 15 minutes across the full Meteosat disk at the native spatial resolution of the SEVIRI sensor.  Measuring this FRP and integrating it over the lifetime of a fire provides an estimate of the total Fire Radiative Energy (FRE) released, which for landscape fires should be proportional to the total amount of biomass burned.

    • To have access to LSA SAF data users must be registered and need to be logged in before an actual order can be set.

    • This sections presents more details about NDVI product

       ENDVI10 is available as a Climate Data Record (LSA-453) starting in March 2007 and an Interim Climate Data Record (LSA-410) performing continuous updates in Near Real Time of LSA-453. In both cases, ENDVI10 consists of composites representing a Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and are distributed together with a set of ancillary dataset layers (surface reflectances, sun and view angles, quality indicators).

    • FAPAR accounts for the active radiation absorbed by the canopy in the range of 400-700 nm, and therefore constitutes an indicator of the health and thereby productivity of vegetation.  It is thus suitable to quantify CO2 uptake by plants and the water release through evapotranspiration.

    • EDLST is the EPS Daily Land Surface Temperature, the radiative skin temperature over land measured by the clear-sky measurements from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on-board EUMETSAT polar system satellites, the Metop series. It is availlable as daytime and nigh-time composites on a daily basis. 

    • The Meteosat SEVIRI Fire Radiative Power (FRP) products generated at the LSA SAF identify pixels containing fires that are actively burning  (so-called ‘fire pixels’) at the time of a SEVIRI observation, and provide an estimate of the Fires Radiative Power (FRP) output, together with its uncertainty.