Diagrama de temas

  • How high is the sea? A discovery of altimetry data

    Discover the sea level data from the SRAL sensor onboard the Sentinel-3 satellite. We will cover where to get data and how to interpret the data to answer scientific questions in Python through the Jupyter Notebooks interface. We will also introduce the upcoming altimetry sensor on the Sentinel-6 mission.

    with Vinca Rosmorduc and Olly Clements

    In this course you will learn:

    • What is meant by "sea (surface) height"
    • Why the height of the sea matters
    • How sea surface height is measure from space

    And we will demonstrate how you can access and work with altimetry data provided EUMETSAT using CODA and Python.

  • Supplementary material

  • More on EUMETSAT training

    Our training activities support users in the member states and among the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) members in the application of EUMETSAT data, products, and services, including Copernicus data provided by EUMETSAT. Find our more at our web page.

    Subscribe to the Training Bulletin the joint EUMETSAT, EUMETCAL, EUMeTrain newsletter on new activities and resources in European meteorological training — published every quarter.

    Contact us for questions about training events and professional development opportunities at training@eumetsat.int.

    Follow us on Twitter @eumetsat_users.