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This satellite applications course in English language is suitable for forecasters in Africa, independent of their work experience. The course will consist of live sessions and discussions between more and less experienced forecasters. The focus is on basic interpretation of satellite images in weather rooms and in using widely available satellite products to get a better understanding of the daily weather.

You will improve your skills in : (a) Identifying the main weather systems and features in Africa and their characteristics in satellite imagery and products; (b) Using information from the new generation weather satellites and c) Being a competent user of virtual course technology.

As a participant, you will develop professional relationships with other course participants, get connected to satellite professionals ready to help you to understand the basic satellite products and to become a proficient user of the latest satellite products in your daily work.

6 - 24 May 2024, online

Self enrolment (Participant)
Self enrolment (Participant)