Solar radiation maps compared to mean values

Solar radiation maps compared to mean values

بواسطة - Theodoros Gkousarov
عدد الردود: 3

Hi all,

How can I create SIS maps showing the comparison of may or june compared to mean values? To see for example how this june varied across europe compared to the climatological average? what dataset would i need to use and what cdo commands?


Thank you.

رداً على Theodoros Gkousarov

Re: Solar radiation maps compared to mean values

بواسطة - Theodoros Gkousarov

I just downloaded the SIS monthly means for the period of 1983 until 2005 for the UK domain. 0.02 * 0.02 resolution climate data.

merged the files into one with the name using CDO combine timesteps.

and then using calculate statistics and using the command ymonmean I created the file

I opened the file using mcidas to see how it looks like, and it looks like there are 12 files inside this mmout file ( reasonable as there are 12 monthly means). However when visualized, the data didnt look reasonable ( quite low values). I am attaching the file here so that you can tell me if ive done something wrong.

my next step will be to create 2012 may and june total solar radiation maps and then using the formula a-b subtruck the values from the climatological may to the one of may 2012 to show the anomaly. does it sound reasonable?

رداً على Theodoros Gkousarov

Re: Solar radiation maps compared to mean values

بواسطة - Jörg Trentmann

Hi Theo,

excellent idea to evaluate the anomaly of surface radiation using the CM SAF climate data set as reference. To me the data you generated looks very reasonable, please keep in mind that the unit is W/m2, this might explain the low values (also, you looking at the UK, not Greece...)

To calculate the anomaly you can use the cdo ymonsub-operator in combination with the ymonmean, even in one line (if you have all the data merged into one file):

cdo ymonsub -ymonmean

Anyway, it is still interesting to have a look at the climatological data as well...

Here is one note of caution:
The CM SAF climate data set (1983-2005) and the CM SAF operational data have been generated using different algorithms with different characteristics. For example, the climate data set tends to overestimate surface radiation by a few W/m2, while the operational product tends to underestimate SIS by a few W/m2. Hence, any difference you are getting is not necessarily related to a climatological anomaly, but can, at least in part, also be related to these differences in the retrieval (see the lecture by Rebekka Posselt:

In her presentation, Anke Kniffka, presented results from a comparison of the climate data set and the operational product for the end of 2005, when both data are available: (Slide 29)

This comparison might give you an indication on the size of the difference induced by the application of the different algorithms, any anomaly exceeding this threshold can then be regarded as an 'climatological anomaly'.

We are currently working towards a homogenization of the algorithms, i.e., in the future we will use the same algorithms for the operational product and the climate data records, which will then limit these problems.

Please note that anomalies of surface radiation are also reported by the Regional Climate Center - Climate Monitoring:
Under Products -> Monitoring Europe -> Radiation you can find maps of anomalies of SIS also based on CM SAF data, however, using an climatology based on GEWEX-SRB data, adjusted to the CM SAF data. Only three classes are reported: negative, neutral, positive.

Kind regards,

رداً على Jörg Trentmann

Re: Solar radiation maps compared to mean values

بواسطة - Theodoros Gkousarov

THANK you very much for this excellent feedback!!!

I checked the dwd site to see the anomalies of SIS for June 2012 and there is a good corellation to my results based on 28years climate cmsaf sis data mean values for june and the difference from june 2012. I am attaching the result which been visualized with mcidas.

Values in w/m2. and in order to create it i used the formula a-b (simple difference). a) mean june based on 28years cmsaf b) june 2012 mean values.

I will take a better look into your attachments and the presentations within this week.

Thanks a million.