Gnu Magic code

Gnu Magic code

بواسطة - Blanka Bartok
عدد الردود: 2


I`d like to ask if somebody has the gnu-Magic source code (version 1....) for clear-sky irradiation calculation used in the CMSAF Cloud Radiative Effect SW data set as well.

Thanks a lot!


رداً على Blanka Bartok

Re: Gnu Magic code

بواسطة - Rebekka Posselt

Hi Blanka,

you can download the gnu-magic source code directly from its sourceforge website:

There you also find the documentation to the programm (how to install, how to set up, etc). If you have further questions don't hesitate to ask.



رداً على Rebekka Posselt

Re: Gnu Magic code

بواسطة - Blanka Bartok

Dear Rebekka,

Thanks for your response! Unfortunately the GNU-MAGIC code available at the webpage seems to be wrong giving strange results even at the standard settings in magic-config.inp file. Maybe the projection is wrong (clear-sky data show a weir concentric distribution over Africa)?? I downloaded the source code few days ago. Am I doing something wrong?

