2nd Weather briefing recap

2nd Weather briefing recap

por Sarah Kimani -
Número de respostas: 7


It was great to host a session again with you as my great audience, you all were very interactive and were engaged in the discussion and weather briefing. Unfortunately that was the last live briefing for this session but I hope to interact with all of you asynchronously in the discussion forum. 

For those who didn't make to have fun with us as we chat, view the Google presentation (with corresponding comments) on https://classroom.eumetsat.int/mod/resource/view.php?id=7042 and the whole chat for the session is attached. This will allow you to view the slides and weigh in in this forum. 

Once again, thanks for being a great audience, we shall do a forecast verification tomorrow morning. 


Sarah Kimani

Em resposta à Sarah Kimani

Re: 2nd Weather briefing recap

por Izolda Marcinonienė -

Hello, Sarah,

thank you for short version of your presentation and chat summary along the slides.

Well done!



Em resposta à Izolda Marcinonienė

Re: 2nd Weather briefing recap

por Sarah Kimani -

Hi Izolda,

Thank you.

It is a nice way of summarizing the whole chat and discussions and I would think that even as a training tool it would be great to present this for students to always refer to after the presentations :-).



Em resposta à Sarah Kimani

Re: 2nd Weather briefing recap

por Vesa Nietosvaara -


apologies for missing out the 2nd briefing. I anyhow see from your nice summary pdf that you managed to achieve the goal even better in the 2nd briefing, by giving first the actual focused briefing and then opening the floor for comments. I will use your experience on some of my future chart discussions. Thank you.

Google Docs is a great and free tool for sharing the slides, but seems it requires a Google account if one wants to send chat messages. Does anyone know about other slideshare applications that would have an embedded chat  available?

Em resposta à Vesa Nietosvaara

Re: 2nd Weather briefing recap

por Sarah Kimani -


You missed out on the fun but not all of it as you got to view the pdf later :-).

That is one limitation of Google docs, it is a great idea to brainstorm and find out about other slide share applications even though it doesn't have an embedded chat although it would be an added advantage. 

In our case we did not use the embedded chat and it would be a great idea to use it and compare it to 'our' way of Moodle chat.



Em resposta à Vesa Nietosvaara

Re: 2nd Weather briefing recap

por Ivan Smiljanic -

Dear Sarah,

It was interesting to join your session (even for 15min or so) - but I could read the chat afterwards, that was nice. Though this chat jumps always to the last post so it's not so easy to see the correspondence (maybe only for me?). Maybe some tool, that Vesa is suggesting, could do the job.

What also could be nice (maybe someone already suggested it?) is for the slideshare application to have annotation tools active for all the participants.. Just a thought,,,

All in all, think that idea has future.



Em resposta à Vesa Nietosvaara

Re: 2nd Weather briefing recap

por Maria Oliveira -

Hello all!

About Vesa's question on slideshare, I would like to suggest you to "google" - Anymeeting. It's a  free virtual room tool, that allows drawing, word docs, excel and ppt, audio and camera, changing presenter role to any participant and more. I used it some time ago for a small meeting (5 people) and it worked fine. The weakness is... you can't record the session on the free version. Ah... and...of course it comes with the usual registration need, but... 

:-)   I hope it helps! 

Em resposta à Sarah Kimani

Re: 2nd Weather briefing recap

por Sarah Kimani -

Dear All, 

As you can see, we had 80% of our forecast correct. 

I would like us to have more fun by hearing from you reasons as to why we may not have achieved a 100% forecast. :-)


Sarah Kimani 

Anexo 1.PNG
Anexo Forecast_Verification.PNG