Day 4 - Step 4 - How to run a webinar?

Day 4 - Step 4 - How to run a webinar?

by Maja Kuna -
Number of replies: 7

Hi everyone,

I am happy that you, together with Anna, Lu and Ivan, prepared everything so nicely for day 4. Now we can relax and run a webinar. So our job is to click the link and open the meeting room together. As easy as that. Really? Let’s see what else we should think of just before and during a webinar.

1. Watch the 'usual morning video' that is linked in the "Day 4" section (or click below). It may give you some clues or confusion.:)

2. Let’s go and draw something! Post your ideas on the paddlet number 4.

Let's chat about our ideas later on in this forum.

And remember that if you did not participate in day 1-3, don't worry. Just jump in! Brainstorming does not have to be as linear as we propose: one brainstorming per day. :)  But we hope it helps to organize your time and ideas. 



In reply to Maja Kuna

Re: Day 4 - Step 4 - How to run a webinar?

by Nurahmini Muchtar -

Hi Maja

thank u for ur comment, im the one who left behind for brainstorming,but im trying to follow this step 4.

thank you


In reply to Maja Kuna

Re: Day 4 - Step 4 - How to run a webinar?

by Izolda Marcinonienė -

Dear All,

I liked Carl's Lewis hand-style very much!Can't imagine that somebody could suggest the better version:)

It reminds me school  times-when we signed some very important things on the palm before test:)

In reply to Izolda Marcinonienė

Re: Day 4 - Step 4 - How to run a webinar?

by Maja Kuna -

I agree Izolda that Ivan wins today for speed and creativity. :) But you reminded me about a fundamental piece I forgot in my mindmap! I also like the use of padlet that you introduced, to leave a note, comment or update on the progress. :) I am following your tip.

And Amy, I am happy to see that your are catching up. Good luck.

Happy continuation of mindmapping. 


In reply to Maja Kuna

Re: Day 4 - Step 4 - How to run a webinar?

by Izolda Marcinonienė -

Thanks, Maja. My activity on pad was unusual/strange and not easy-I am working on home pc as I am on sick- leave. It means that my mind is too slow and had to change something when see incorrect info on screen:( 


In reply to Maja Kuna

Re: Day 4 - Step 4 - How to run a webinar?

by Maja Kuna -

Day 4 brought a modest number of, but very solid!, contributions. Thank you Ivan, Izolda, Patrick, Lara, Jonah and Wenbin Ji for sharing your ideas how to survive...I mean run a webinar :)  

Lara was asking if she is not too late. The answer is that if it was a webinar you would be too late.:) The beauty of this asynchronous conference is that it allows joining in at a convenient time.

I am surprise to see the variety of perspectives we have. One common element was to remember to RECORD. Maybe an influence of my dramatic video? Don't worry. I just I ran back, even faster, to press the record button. :)

Besides 'record' you are saying:

  • Practice, practice, practice (Patrick, I guess from his meeting lead perspective)
  • Don’t panic – one of the items of the '5 fingers rule' (Ivan, an experienced TSO)
  • Engage - [make] attractive, experiment, [transmit] enthusiasm (Wenbin Ji, a presenter or participant perspective?)
  • Check if software installed properly (Izolda, presenter and participant)
  • Smile and GO – as easy as that and well presented with a ‘fishbone’ map :) (Lara)
  • Remind presenter to attend - (Maja, TSO)
  • And more…see the snapshot of today’s activity at the end of this message.

The rest of Calmeters, don't be shy and jump on board. Pick up a padlet and share your ideas: 

Day 1 – Planning:

Day 2 – Organizing:

Day 3 – Preparing:

Day 4 – Running:

Day 5…let’s wait for Alessandro to tell us more tomorrow. ;)

Next week we will continue filling the 5 padlets and then we will remix all ‘stormy’ ideas into a more structured ‘checklist’. You can still be a part of the process and help us to build a resource, that will be useful for all using webinars in their training. The “webin@r checklist” will help your training event to land successfully. :)

Or if you don’t feel like drawing let us know if you have ever been participant, presenter, moderator, technical support or organizer of a webinar? How was it like? Would you repeat it? 


[One bubble can make a difference, by Ivan S.]


In reply to Maja Kuna

Re: Day 4 - Step 4 - How to run a webinar?

by Ivan Smiljanic -

Hi Maja, All,

I think we are getting more and more creative, which makes me very very happy. The last post (Lara) I specially liked, it has most of the crucial steps, it's time lined, clear and synoptic. Plus, reminds us that the good sleep is sometimes what you really need. Thinking of putting it as desktop background, could be good idea for one TSO. J

And thank you Maja for reminding people to write us sentence or two about their perspectives of webinars. I'm sure there are many people that had an annoying connectivity problems, or they were the only ones without the drawing tools, or they just had a great time with online conferencing?! In any case - write if you like...

Cold cheers from Darmstadt (+4 only)


In reply to Ivan Smiljanic

Re: Day 4 - Step 4 - How to run a webinar?

by Larisa Nikitina -

Thanks Ivan for kind words!

i do really think about making some kind of road map for preparing webinars and webmeetings!

so i download and collect all maps and then (when i will have more free time) i plan to put then all in one (or maybe 2 or 3, will see) road maps. Then i`ll print them and hang over my table in office :)) 

Cheers from frozen Moscow ( minus 12C  last night)


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