webinar for a kind of meeting?

webinar for a kind of meeting?

от Asteria Handayani -
Количество ответов: 8

Hi all,


it's been fascinating to see how discussion and ideas been brought up about webinar.. I have not much experience in participating webinar sessions, but so far I enjoyed them and has felt the benefit of participating. I want to share this too with my colleagues in R&D.

having read and followed your shared mindmaps and tried to develop one with my own imagination (as I do not have any experience in setting up a webinar session before, let alone running it), it left me a question: could I set up a webinar session for a meeting (i.e planning on a project proposal) instead of training? and if I could, should the checklist be different with what we have learnt so far from the padlets? I could use some ideas to start one..

thanks :)

В ответ на Asteria Handayani

Re: webinar for a kind of meeting?

от Anna Ghelli -

Hi Asteria,

webinars rely on tools which allow remote participation, so remote meetings can be run as well. In fact myself and the people involved in this week calmer session, we have had a number of remote meetings.

A remote meeting may be slightly different from a webinar, in that the number of participants may be smaller. You may not need to record and you may need to share documents, before and during the e-meeting (this could require a mind map different from those we have shared during these day). All this can be done with nowadays technology. 

If you 'google' : 'tools for e-meetings' you will get some idea of what is available out there.

hope this is helpful!

В ответ на Anna Ghelli

Re: webinar for a kind of meeting?

от Asteria Handayani -

Dear Anna,


Thank you for your suggestion.

It brings ideas to my head.

I will try to search those tools you suggested and try to build a suitable mindmap for my purpose.




В ответ на Asteria Handayani

Re: webinar for a kind of meeting?

от Vesa Nietosvaara -


many thanks for posting a question about web meetings. They are in some points different than webinars.

I like to share my short checklist for web meetings here, just some main points:

1. Keep the actual meeting short: skip participant self-presentations if there are more than 10 people online. Let them use the chat before the meeting to introduce themselves.

2. Send the meeting documents before the meeting. Do not spend time in live meeting to scroll up and down the documents. Make sure the participants check the documents before the live session.

3. Know your meeting goal: what is the most important thing you want to achieve? Do you need to decide about something? Make sure the participants know about this.

4. Audio problems are more frequent in web meetings than in webinars, because everyone has to be able to speak. Tell the participants to check their microphone before the meeting, not when the meeting starts.

5. Dont try to be a meeting leader, minute keeper and technical support all in one person. Delegate when possible.

В ответ на Vesa Nietosvaara

Re: webinar for a kind of meeting?

от Patrick Parrish -

HI Vesa,

I agree with all your points except perhaps #2. In my experience, it is unlikely that all those attending the meeting will have actually prepared and read any provided documents, and that it is very important to take advantage of the power of screen sharing to make sure all attendees are looking at the same points (some for the first time). In addition, screen sharing of key documents that are Google based is a way of taking consensus meeting notes, so that all can see what is begin agreed to DURING the meeting when all are there.

#1 depends on whether this is a first meeting of a group where team building is required, or a follow on meeting where everyone knows each other. If there are more than 10 people, it is a problem for sure, and any collaborative meeting with more than 10 is a problem anyway. It becomes a Webinar. 


В ответ на Patrick Parrish

Re: webinar for a kind of meeting?

от Vesa Nietosvaara -


thank you for your remarks on web meeting checklists. I agree that for self-presentations in a web meeting a self-presentation can be even the full topic itself, i.e. when a new project is beginning and everyone needs to say something about himself. And this can be actually a first moment they actually try out their microphones..: )  In such a case a self-presentation round should be in the agenda, and reserve time enough for it.

For sharing documents on live meeting I am still quite cautious about scrolling or searching too many documents, especially if they are heavy long text documents. Some shared documents (like google docs) are ideal for online meetings, we can see the changes live and everybody can edit collaboratively.

In some of my project meetings I filled the meeting with too many documents and participant powerpoint presentations. This turned the meetings into a monotonous conference session, where one was presenting and others either listened or got distracted by their office work. This is somehow ineffective.

В ответ на Vesa Nietosvaara

Re: webinar for a kind of meeting?

от Asteria Handayani -

Dear Vesa and Pat,


learning both your suggestions made me realize there's more on details should be considered on in setting up a web conference/meeting..first this and then that..

I appreciate your thoughts and shared experiences. I will keep them in my notes and share it with my colleagues :)

many thanks!



В ответ на Asteria Handayani

Re: webinar for a kind of meeting?

от Larisa Nikitina -

Hello, Asteria!

Good question! :)

We in Russia often use webinars (better to say webconference tool) to manage any kinds of meeting with our faraway colleques or even with other countries. 

Yes, there are some differences in checklists then but not so big. I think it would be very useful to take our padlets` ideas :))

