Week 1 Wrap Up

Week 1 Wrap Up

от Bruce Muller -
Количество ответов: 1

Objects, processes, ideas...all are represented in our minds conceptually. As Ian stated, conceptual models are how we interpret our world. Ian's leopard and Pat's learner-centered instruction are great examples; as is Ian's mental model of mental models (you should review that one if you haven't read the forum! - it was posted on Nov. 7). Bryan's introduction video, and many of the other posts in the forum highlighted our use of scientific conceptual models to interpret the atmosphere: Izolda referenced the conceptual models in the SatManu; Bernie recalled her time viewing cloud formation and comparing her mental model of that process to observation data and how her model is refined with experience; Jonah shared an example of streamlines and moisture. 

Thanks to the folks that shared their initial thoughts about conceptual models. If you haven't had a chance to post to the forum or read the postings, please take the time to do so; the forum is still open.