Satellite data and resolutions

Satellite data and resolutions

от Marcel Belmont -
Количество ответов: 1

Dear Jörg, I have a question I wanted to ask regarding resolution for satellite data. Are the number of points that the satellites uses to sense data for example an area 1° X 1° directly related to the resolution. What I mean is are there differences in number points that the satellite uses for 0.3 and 0.5 resolution for example?. I’m thinking that when selecting a point for any statistical output or plotting the result depends on the number of points that the satellite is capturing data in determining how close that point is to your chosen location. Thanks

Kind regards,

Marcel Belmont

Senior Meteorological Technician Climate Centre National Meteorological Services Division of Climate & Environmental Services Tel : + (248) 4384355 Mobile : + (248) 2728936 E-mail :

В ответ на Marcel Belmont

Re: Satellite data and resolutions

от Jörg Trentmann -

Dear Marcel,

thanks for your question!

Obviously, the generation of gridded data from satellite observations is not at all trivial and there are multiple aspects related to this.

One is the satellite retrieval itself, meaning the estimation of a certain parameter (e.g., precipitation, solar radiation) from the satellite observation. This retrieval is typically done on the spatial and temporal resolution of the satellite input data and, hence, depends on the satellite (e.g., polar orbiting or geostationary) and the satellite instrument. Based on the, what we call, instantaneous retrieval results, the gridded data are then generated in the second step.

The CM SAF gridded data include temporal as well as spatial averaging of the instantaneous retrieval results. The number of satellite observations that are used for every data point of the gridded data depends on the temporal averaging (e.g., daily, monthly) and the spatial resolution of the satellite instrument and the selected grid.

The way the gridded data is derived from the instantaneous satellite data is (at least should be) described in the corresponding ATBD; for most data sets, the number of observations used to generate the gridded data is available in the data file.

Hope this helps to answer your question. Please let me know if you have any particular data set in mind for which you would like to have more specific information?

Thanks, kind regards,