Introducing Himawari-8 training - a little pre-session survey

Introducing Himawari-8 training - a little pre-session survey

por Bodo Zeschke -
Número de respostas: 2

Hello to the CALMET-2016 participants,

Firstly, thanks to Roro for the introduction and for all your assistance. After reading this post, please visit and check out the cool "introductory picture" for the session that Roro helped me to design :-)

Over the past few years I have been very busy in preparing our forecasters and other regional stakeholders for the effective use of the new Himawari-8 data. Some of my friends even call me a "workaholic", and since I am writing these lines on a Saturday afternoon I think they may be right. In that context, I think I may be a happy "workaholic" as I enjoy this exciting satellite meteorology very much!

I am looking forward to sharing with you some of my experiences pertaining to the stakeholder engagement and training in relation to the amazing new data available with Himawari-8.

Firstly though, I would really appreciate it if you could complete the short pre-session survey posted at

Your feedback will help me to streamline the contents of the video's and make these more relevant.

Looking forward to a fun session with lots of interaction :-)


Em resposta a 'Bodo Zeschke'

Re: Introducing Himawari-8 training - a little pre-session survey

por Ivan Smiljanic -

Hi Bodo,


Just want to say that I am really looking froward to hear about experiences with next generation of satellite, specially when it is coming from an enthusiast (read workaholic J). User preparedness for MTG is my duty at the moment thus this session is of high relevance for me.

Wish you (and all of us) a fruitful session.

Nice day,


Em resposta a 'Ivan Smiljanic'

Re: Introducing Himawari-8 training - a little pre-session survey

por Bodo Zeschke -

Thanks for the positive post Ivan.

I have the great fortune to have been involved in all of the training preparations for Himawari-8 at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, from its humble beginnings in 2009 to now.

With my experience I am certainly very happy to answer any questions that you may have regarding the preparation for new generations of satellite. Here at the Bureau of Meteorology we have learned a lot about that topic over the past 7 years.

So I am looking forward to a lot of audience questions once I have launched the first of the recordings for this session. This should be over the next few days...

In the meanwhile I am regularly checking up on the participant feedback to the Pre-Activity Survey as this will help me to put the finishing touches on the content of the recordings.