Hello from EUMETCAL workshop

Hello from EUMETCAL workshop

par Vesa Nietosvaara,
Nombre de réponses : 1

Hi, Calmeters,

 EUMETCAL workshop is ongoing in Langen, Germany. An easy way to keep up with the topics discussed is to follow the Twitter feed from the event.

use hash-tag #eumetcal16 (you can see them at https://twitter.com/search?q=eumetcal16&src=typd)

En réponse à Vesa Nietosvaara

Re: Hello from EUMETCAL workshop

par Vesa Nietosvaara,

Good morning again from EUMETCAL workshop. The developing collection of workshop presentations and resources can be browsed at EUMETCAL workshop pages. Twitter feeds bring you impressions of the workshop. Enjoy !