Hello from EUMETCAL workshop

Hello from EUMETCAL workshop

por Vesa Nietosvaara -
Número de respostas: 1

Hi, Calmeters,

 EUMETCAL workshop is ongoing in Langen, Germany. An easy way to keep up with the topics discussed is to follow the Twitter feed from the event.

use hash-tag #eumetcal16 (you can see them at https://twitter.com/search?q=eumetcal16&src=typd)

Em resposta à Vesa Nietosvaara

Re: Hello from EUMETCAL workshop

por Vesa Nietosvaara -

Good morning again from EUMETCAL workshop. The developing collection of workshop presentations and resources can be browsed at EUMETCAL workshop pages. Twitter feeds bring you impressions of the workshop. Enjoy !