Met Sim plug-in WebEx session

Met Sim plug-in WebEx session

بواسطة - Brendan Kilshaw
عدد الردود: 0

Hi all,

Thank you very much to those who were able to join the WebEx session on Thursday this week and to all those who completed the survey activity.

The feedback from the session has been good so far and we are very glad that people found it an interesting and useful presentation.

For those who were unable to join and any who want to view it again, we have uploaded a recording of the session under our section on the CALMet course page:

We will be posting some Q&A's from the session in the discussion forum and if you have any further questions please feel free to add them.

Also, over the next two months we will be conducting final user testing and so will be putting out a request for volunteer testers!

Thank you again and have a great weekend.

Kind regards

Brendan, Jodie and Ian :)