Assessor's competencies

Assessor's competencies

par Paul Bugeac,
Nombre de réponses : 3

As it ws mentioned in the presentation, the competencies of the assessor are not (yet) defined officially. Some aspects regarding assessment can be found in WMO document 1114 Guidelines for Trainers in Meteorological, Hydrological and Climate Services

As an exercise, it would be very useful for the community to try, together, to identify the competencies (taking as model meteorologist competencies) and the profile of an ideal assessor. 

En réponse à Paul Bugeac

Re: Assessor's competencies

par Amos Asalu,

Hi paul

Thanks I managed at least to attend the live session yesterday though I did not speak but sent a message. It was a good interaction. However, there are two types of assessors academic and field. Academic is usually from training institutions ,  is sometimes dwarfed i.e. limited to classroom competences but field may have more competences due to the exposure to new technologies introduced or available in the organization where field training is organized. All these assessors are supposed to assess a trainee. What type of competences /training is each supposed to be availed with?



En réponse à Amos Asalu

Re: Assessor's competencies

par Paul Bugeac,

Hi Amos,

In the example you mentioned there are two major types of assessment:

  • Learning assessment - associated to class training 
  • Competency assessment - associated to real activity and on the job training. 

Each of the two assessments are focusing on different objectives. Learning assessment is focused basically on knowledge, understanding and, sometimes, some skills. Competency assessment is focused on doing the activities for which someone has necessary knowledge, understanding and skills, according to job description.

Hope this is clarifying...

En réponse à Paul Bugeac

Re: Assessor's competencies

par Amos Asalu,

Hi Paul

Your explanation is o.k only that Field assessors are not exposed to training like the assessors from training institutions (Academic), they are doing their jobs of their institutions. This is applicable to our trainees whom we send to industrial training fields.

