Identify competencies before assessment

Identify competencies before assessment

par Chergui Nacera,
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First of all, Thanks Mr Bugeac for your valuable presentation! Just let you know that I' just begin working on a new project related to assessing the assessor. For this project I have to identify competencies for On-the-job trainers (operational meteorology) and define criteria to evaluate these competencies. So before talking about evaluation, we first have to think about competencies to evaluate and how evaluate??I'm inspired by the ''Competency Requirements for Education and Training providers for meteorological, Hydrological and climate services'' (WMO March 2013) where 5 competencies are defined but have to adapt them to fit with the context of operational meteorologists trainers. I will come back to this forum to ask questions. Many thanks. Nacéra Chergui Senior Meteorologist Training Career Development Division Environment and Climate change Canada.