Tropical Cyclone Arabian Sea

Tropical Cyclone Arabian Sea

por Jochen Kerkmann -
Número de respostas: 7

Hi,  to start this forum and the discussions, I share some images of TC Mekunu (now category 1 or 2), which offers a good opportunity to compare Met-08 and Met-11 SEVIRI images (which have different viewing angles).

Mosaic Mekunu

Here above, is a Met-08 4-image mosaic: tropical airmass RGB, enhanced IR10.8, Natural Colour RGB and HRV image from 6 UTC this morning, produced by HansPeter Roesli (Switzerland).

You may watch the animations on our real time image display.

Do you see differences between Met-11 and Met-08 images?

The NASA story on this case can be found on Earth Observatory.

Ciao,  Jochen

PS: we may discuss the development of this case in the next days.

Em resposta a 'Jochen Kerkmann'

Re: Tropical Cyclone Arabian Sea

por Gintautas Stankunavicius -

Seems that is quite strong tropical storm (does it comparable with N. Atlantic hurricane categories (Saffir- Simpson scale); also suppose that the SST season in NW Indian Ocean part is not suitable (like Madagascar region in April) for such disturbances development?



Em resposta a 'Gintautas Stankunavicius'

Re: Tropical Cyclone Arabian Sea

por Jochen Kerkmann -


in the Arabian Sea you can have TCs like in the North Atlantic, up to category 3 and 4 of the SS scale.  For example TC Gonu in 2007.  I attach a history of cyclones.

The SSTs are very high in this area.  See the SST and SHA (SEa Height Anomaly) products below, both important input products for forecasting of TCs.



The TC is now close to Oman, landfall predicted tomorrow, in the area of Salalah.  You can check yourself on the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) web page.

Below, a recent Met-08 image (RGB composite of HRV and IR channels) from 5 UTC this morning. What is the recipe for is this RGB ?

Eview image

Ciao,  Jochen

Em resposta a 'Jochen Kerkmann'

Re: Tropical Cyclone Arabian Sea

por Jochen Kerkmann -

The TC has made landfall close to Salalah.  Many places with about 200 mm rainfall.  There is one report of 617 mm in Salalah - this is incredibly high, we need to check this report.

Ciao,  Jochen

Em resposta a 'Jochen Kerkmann'

Re: Tropical Cyclone Arabian Sea

por zamzam al-rawahi -



Meteosat-8 HRV and Microwave imagery for Mekunu Tropical Cyclone 25th of May 1400UTC, shows how the system organized just before making landfall making asymmetrical system with convective bands around a well-defined eye. At that time, DGMET classified it as Catogery2 




IR10.8 (Meteosat-8) and Salalah Doppler Radar at the time of Mekunu make landfall near Salalah (south to Salalah) .

Accumulated 24 hr rain (25-26May) in Salalah weather Station is 278mm

Em resposta a 'zamzam al-rawahi'

Re: Tropical Cyclone Arabian Sea

por Jochen Kerkmann -

Dear Zamzam,

many thanks for posting these images. 278 mm would be in line with the eTrap forecasts. 600 mm sounds a bit too high for me.

HansPeter is checking the aftermath images, i.e. he tries to detect rivers in the desert and flooded areas, but until yesterday 28 May it was too cloudy in the area.

See the high-resolution VIIRS image from 28 May, with comparison to an image before Mekunu.



Em resposta a 'Jochen Kerkmann'

Re: Tropical Cyclone Arabian Sea

por Jochen Kerkmann -

and here is a comparison of Met-08 images from 15 and 30 May: the Natural Colour RGB displayed for a reduced reflectance range from 1 to 30 %.

Somehow, the sandy desert changes colour to more red instead of yellow, and you can see many dark patches where water is running from the mountains into the desert area.

In 1 or 2 weeks we may see some greenish patches where vegetation starts to grow?

Ciao,  Jochen

Met-08, 15 May

15 May

Met-08, 30 May

30 May

Em resposta a 'Jochen Kerkmann'

Re: Tropical Cyclone Arabian Sea

por Jochen Kerkmann -


Mekunu has dragged a lot of moisture from the Indian Ocean deep into the Arabian Peninsula.  You can see it on the airmass RGB (higher level moisture) and on the Night Micro RGB (low level moisture), so there is convection continuing, also in the most western part of Oman.

 Ciao,  Jochen

Airmass RGB, 28 May, 11:00 UTC

Airmass RGB

Night Microphysics RGB, 28 May, 23:00 UTC

Night Micro RGB