Registration open: New series of short online courses/webinars on data discovery for weather, oceanography, air quality and climate is starting this September

Registration open: New series of short online courses/webinars on data discovery for weather, oceanography, air quality and climate is starting this September

de Madalina Ungur -
Número de respuestas: 0

Dear participants,

I hope you are well! I am writing this message on behalf of the EUMETSAT trainers. 

We are happy to share with you information about a new series of online short courses starting this September and running until the end of the year.
The courses are open to all interested participants and will cover data discovery for weather, oceanography, air quality and climate. Each short course will offer a webinar with the opportunity to ask your questions and interact with experts. Some courses will also include a follow-up self-paced phase where you will have the occasion to further explore the data and discuss with experts.

If interested, please register  for the session or sessions you might want to attend. After registering for one or more sessions of the online short courses, we will send you via email all the details about the selected course/s and the access information you will need to join.

Do not hesitate to email the training team in case you have questions or simply post here in this forum.


The training team