Introduce your self

Introduce your self

بواسطة - Mark Higgins
عدد الردود: 6

If you would like do take the time to introduce yourself and say what you would like to get from the simulations discussion over the next few weeks.

So I am Mark Higgins a trainer in EUMETSAT.

Why am I interested in simulators in training ...

The regional Institute for Meteorological Training and Research in Nairobi and EUMETSAT run a course each year on satellite meteorology. Next year we will try and get all the theoretical learning online and the classroom course will be very practical.We can run current weather and historical cases in the class room.

My question is ... should we offer a simulator session or two  or five? Why? Why not? What would a simulator add that working with current data does not give?

I am hoping to get some answers through these sessions of CALMET online - but if you have ideas I would love to hear them!

Warm wishes,


رداً على Mark Higgins

Re: Introduce your self

بواسطة - Patrick Parrish

Hi Mark,

I am Patrick Parrish (Pat), and I am interested in simulations because I'm interested in all the tools we have available to us for training. Theoretically, simulations generate a lot of interesting discussion about authenticity, holistic practics, and learning by doing. Working for WMO now, I am interested in all the avenues we have available to us to help forecasters around the world develop and improve their skills, and am eager to get other trainers talking about them.

Yes, I think you should consider offering simulations sessions for you course in Nairobi, but don't get locked into any one idea about what comprises a simulation. Be flexible and willing to live within limited means. See my other post to Heleen's post about the papers she shared.


رداً على Mark Higgins

Re: Introduce your self

بواسطة - Larisa Nikitina


Sorry I am a bit late introducing myself. I am one of those silent participants who are keen on this discussion.

I am Larisa Nikitina from Aviamettelecom, Russia. I work in the meteorological office in the airport Rostov-on-Don and since 2010 I`ve been a member of Sochi 2014 Olympic meteorological team.

As an aviation weather forecaster I have not much experience on training with simulators as it is not very usual in Russia just now. But as the Olympic forecasters our team is needed as much training as we can. And we think that the simulations with the historical weather dates could be very usefull for us.

 As regards to Mark`s guestion - What would a simulator add that working with current data does not give?

Our team can’t work with the current dates during our summer-autumn training courses, as our aim is winter weather. So the most interesting weather situations from the last winters can simulate the real ones. For my opinion, that is necessary to be done and simulations can greatly improve the other methods of our training as Olympic weather forecasters.

This year at the October we start some simulation actvities during our training in Sochi so I am very interested in sharing your experience in simulations as it is new for me.

Unfortunately I was not able to attend the live session but  thanks a lot for all your online courses and activities! I really appreciate them all.


رداً على Larisa Nikitina

Re: Introduce yourself

بواسطة - Vesa Nietosvaara

Hi, Lara,

thanks for your posting. I am interested to know how your Olympic games team will use simulations for practising and preparing for the games. Have you some challenging cases stored from last winter season that you will use in the training this winter?

Simulating such events and adding some challenges - media , public inquiries, communication in many languages, decision making in stressing situations - it can be really exciting. I imagine the forecasters will learn much more this way than just by listening to the lectures about weather.

If you want to share these experiences later to CALMet , you are welcome to do so.

رداً على Mark Higgins

Re: Introduce your self

بواسطة - Natalie Werbitski

Hi, I’m a bit late at introducing myself as well, but I’ve been (silently) following the discussions on simulators and it has been interesting so far.

My name is Natalie Werbitski and I am a forecaster at the Canadian Meteorological Aviation Weather-Center. Lately, I’ve also become responsible for Staff Learning and Development at our office. We do use simulators regularly here as one of our learning tools; I think it is quite useful, as many of our forecasters like the “hands-on” type approach to learning.

The types of simulators that we run here can be broken into two broad categories. The first type is a real-time forecasting simulator using live data and operational tools. We use this sort of “operational/live” simulator to prepare forecasters prior to “letting them loose” in forecast operations: we’ll run an extended simulator for new forecasters before introducing them to operations (to help them get spun up with regards to regional weather familiarity, operational tools, and expected deadlines of products); we run shorter “operational/live” simulators for experienced forecasters before cross-training them into new sectors, or after an extended period of absence from forecast operations. The second type of simulator we run is for rare, high-impact events, using canned case studies/data/scenarios (as opposed to real-time, live data). We use this “canned event” simulator every year or so for the purpose of keeping our forecasters up-to-date with the procedures required should a volcanic ash event occur. We’ve also used this type of simulator for training new forecasters in convection.

As for Mark’s question of what I hope to get out of these simulator discussions, I am already gaining new perspective on some of the pros/cons of simulators. I am also interested though in how simulators have been used/are being used in other countries as a tool for training.

Thank you for all the great discussion so far.


رداً على Mark Higgins

Re: Introduce your self

بواسطة - Lih Mei LIM

Hello everybody,

I am Lih Mei LIM, a forecaster in Meteorological Service Singapore. I have worked in the civilian and military met office.

Lately, I am heavily involved in training activities for forecasters and observers, in particular on Competency Assessment for AMP.

Thank you.

رداً على Mark Higgins

Re: Introduce your self

بواسطة - Roro Yuliana Purwanti

Dear Colleagues

I am Yuliana Purwanti, working for The Agency for Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) Indonesia.  I am not only "too blank" about simulator (Izolda, please allow me to use here your term. TQ..)  also a "new kid" in this field of EnT..

I enjoy the growing discussion as a silent participant (hopefully could contribute more later..), I thank for all the sharing and appreciate especially to Heleen and Mark. I believe - no matter how the topic is strange for me in the beginning - this discussion will inspire me in the other ways...

warm regard from the equator :-)
