Adilson Cleomenes Rocha

Adilson Cleomenes Rocha

par Adilson Cleomenes Rocha,
Nombre de réponses : 0

Hello folks,

I'm enjoying very much the  CALMet online activities. I'm Adilson Cleômenes ROCHA, I've been working for Air Space Control Institute (ICEA), in Brazil, as the Chief of Evaluation Division and with aeronautical meteorological personnel training. In our country we used simulators with training in meteorological radars, observers, forecasters and operators of meteorological offices.

No doubt, this approach improves very much methods of training in fictive situation representing a real one. In our organization we´ve worked to develop courses with this focus in order to meet the skills and competencies needed to aviation activities in Brazil.

I understand that meteorological simulators might be used whenever possible. So, we're really interested in sharing experiences to improve our training activities.
