Weeks 3 and 4 - sharing practical insights

Weeks 3 and 4 - sharing practical insights

بواسطة - Mark Higgins
عدد الردود: 0

Thank you to all of you who have contributed so far. For me this has been an interesting and really helpful session.

It is now time to shift focus a little to our practical experience of using simulators for training using simulators in meteorology.

How have you used simulators in your own work, do you have examples or reports that you can post? And what might we do differently given some of posts and papers from the first two weeks?

You may also wish to post just a quesion for others to answer.

We will stay working in this forum rather than opening up a new forum to make it easier to keep track of the posts. Do feel free to continue posting papers and reports that address the background to using simulators in meteorology.

How are you finding the experience of working in this way? If you would like to feedback on the theme so far you can use this short (3 question) anonymous survey:  https://classroom.eumetsat.int/mod/questionnaire/view.php?id=4415 , and you are welcome to post in the forum or email me directly.

Thank you again for all of your contributions so far,

Warm wishes
