The National Weather Service in the US has developed a significant simulation capability, and I thought something should be shared about that for those interested. Perhaps Liz Page might have more to add if she is on the forum, but I have gathered a few resources. Also, I will list a few COMET modules that offer instruction that is strongly simlulation related, since they ask learners to make a series forecast decisions.
NWS Weather Event Simulator (WES)
Please see a brief description of the simulation system at this site: http://www.crh.noaa.gov/lmk/?n=wes
Also, for more detail, you can access the attached documents.
"Install_WES97.pdf" provides more technical details about the most recent version.
"WESGuide8apr98.pdf" is an example of a users guide for one particular simulation/case.
COMET modules
As for COMET Case-based Modules that are a type of simulation, in my view, one of the best examples is:
Polar Lows Ungava Bay 01 December 2000 (https://www.meted.ucar.edu/training_module.php?id=144)
Also a favorite:
Ocean Effect Snow: New England Snow Storm, 14 January 1999 (https://www.meted.ucar.edu/training_module.php?id=114)
These modules not only walk forecasters through a weather event (without timed simulation, of course), but also teach the underlying knowledge and skills required to make the forecast decisions.