Anyone there? Starting today!

Anyone there? Starting today!

بواسطة - Maja Kuna
عدد الردود: 3

We are happy to recognize that the mood of CALMeters is various, but rather positive. It makes a good start for us!

Who is this session for?

This session is for everybody who like to discuss and share the ideas. It is for people involved in online training, and in particular in organizing or conducting virtual real-time events. For anyone who feels that his online briefings or lectures could be improved.  Some level of experience with the topic is appreciated, but we encourage novice to participate as well.

What this session is about

Once again welcome to the “Anybody out there????” session focusing on the real-time online collaboration, called sometimes a virtual classroom, supported by web-conferencing tools (like Webex, Saba Centra, GoToMeeting, Adobe Connect, Microsoft Lync, Blackboard and many more). The aim of this session is to create practical guidelines . The secondary scope is to share experiences and resources.

What this session is not about

We will not compare web-conferencing systems. We will not promote or teach you how to use a specific tool. We will not focus on technological aspects.

How to participate?

We asked on Friday a very simple question, to estimate how many of you would participate. We are happy to see 19 names on the list already. We will need your input, as the final product of this session will be a wiki containing guidelines for trainers how to optimize the real-time online learning events. We count a lot on your collaboration and willingness to share and contribute. However, we welcome different levels of participations, thus feel free to be a silent reader or post writer only.

Let’s talk...

The session will be based on asynchronous discussions in the “Best and worst practices in web-conferencing” forum:

Let’s create together...

Later this week we will open a link to a wiki page where you will be asked to contribute.

How do I start?

1.       If you haven’t done it yet, you may tell us what’s your mood today through this quick choice at

Or change it if it has changed since Friday.

2.       Answer to the second question at  

3.       Start discussing with us the “Best and worst practices in web-conferencing” forum your experience about real-time collaboration. We will add daily one new topic to discuss or comment. Feel free to start posting, short contributions are just as welcome as lengthy stories.

What’s in between?

We hope to keep the discussion ongoing in the forum and provide you with some exciting resources along the way, although the main working space will be at wikis.

What’s in the end?

We will end this 3 weeks session with an online meeting  Friday 26 October 09 UTC – You can treat it as an intermediate end, because we are not planning to close our forums after that! We hope to hear still from you.

Good luck!

Vesa & Maja

(Edited by Vesa Nietosvaara - original submission Monday, 8 October 2012, 03:22 PM)

(Edited by Vesa Nietosvaara - original submission Monday, 8 October 2012, 03:27 PM)

(Edited by Vesa Nietosvaara - original submission Monday, 8 October 2012, 04:02 PM)

رداً على Maja Kuna

Re: Anyone there? Starting today!

بواسطة - Vesa Nietosvaara

Hello, everyone!

Also on my behalf I am happy to welcome everyone to join our 3-week-walk through the exciting and sometimes frustrating world of web-conferencing!

I hope you will get new ideas and help from this session.

The initial email copy of our posting contained some non-functioning links; I copy them here once again, so you can jump more easily into our session:

The session will be based on asynchronous discussions in the “Best and worst practices in web-conferencing” forum:

1.       If you haven’t done it yet, you may tell us what’s your mood today through this quick choice at

or change it if it has changed since Friday.

2.       Answer to the second question at  

Welcome along!


رداً على Maja Kuna

Re: Anyone there? Starting today!

بواسطة - Ivan Smiljanic

Thank you Maja and Vesa for opening this session! This is something that everybody should be involved in - especially trainers and ones that are in position to say something to the audience generally..


Hope we'll have fruitful discussions here and that I will learn something new - or even that I will help somebody else in that goal. I also stay at your disposal with my modest experience (that I've gained working as technical support officer for Eumetrain project, and as associated lecturer in physics), I'm opened for discussions and experience exchange.

See you all, at least on Friday 26th?!!


رداً على Ivan Smiljanic

Re: Anyone there? Starting today!

بواسطة - Maja Kuna

Hi Ivan,

Thank you for joining. We will discuss some technical topics, as it is foreseeable when talking about online collaboration or classroom. However we will try to emphasize a little more a human factor and creativity when using the tool, rather than technology behind.

Looking forward to your contributions!
