02 Is training the answer?

Re: 02 Is training the answer?

por Mark Higgins -
Número de respostas: 0

I have been thinking about Ian's first sentence

"When our staff have a performance gap we may be asked to provide training."

I am imagining a situation where a manager has said to me as a provider of training (either in house of externally)  can I have a course for X person.

so much is then implicit - how was the need for any intervention identified, who identified it the manager or the person, how was the idea of a course selected as the appropriate means of intervention. If there is a gap and the course is the right intervention what will happen when the person gets back to work.

I liked the structure in the power point it gave a helpful way of thinking about the presenting issue a bit more deeply - my thought was who is best placed to do this thinking - what if the manager and the person was able to do the analysis as much as they can and them come to the provider of training for some insight into the best intervention for their need.

And before the intervention the manager and the person plan how it fits into a wider idea of learning something and changing working practice/performance.  

To my thinking this is a standard management skill - to be able to work with individuals and teams on their development needs.
