Half Way Point

Half Way Point

por Patrick Parrish -
Número de respostas: 0

Hi all,

I posted a Voicethread about Case-based Reasoning today that is an especially pertinent learning theory for meteorologists. I hope you find it interesting.

We are now half way through our exploration of learning theories. It will get even more interesting from here on out, I can ensure you.

Our discussions so far have been mostly theoretical and perhaps a bit philosophical, which is appropriate, of course. But this week I hope to have some discussion that helps to ground the theories in actual applications. So think about the theories we've discussed, and perhaps post some examples of past instruction that you think might demonstrate applications of one or more of the theories, or ways you think you might be able to use them in the future. I will try to share the same.

But I will be posting more theories this week also, and likely finish up next week.
