Cooking OERs

Cooking OERs

por Luciane Veeck -
Número de respostas: 2

As soon as I got back home after work, I received a text message from a friend: “Sorry I will be 20min late”. Late? When? Tonight? I completely forgot I had invited her for dinner! Usually the content of my fridge disappoints me, especially on Fridays. And so it was the case this time. I found in my fridge a random selection of ingredients consisting of beans, jam, yellow peppers, rocket salad, mustard and cottage cheese. I started to wonder … was it really me who last shopped for groceries?  Cooking with those ingredients sounded like an impossible mission, but I had to move fast.  First step: Excluding things that obviously, even for a poor cook like me, don’t match together. Second step: Deciding if there are any requirements my dinner has to meet... Yes. My friend is allergic to milk! What should I do now? Let’s browse the internet for recipes. So I searched: yellow peppers + beans + rocket salad. After a second the reply from my browser was: pasta with beans and pepper.

From OER

300 gr pasta
200 gr beans
2 yellow peppers
100 gr tomato sauce
1 big onion
3 tbs olive oil
Salt and pepper

The recipe looked good, but I felt something was missing... Knowing my friend’s preferences, I thought I might add some spices to increase the flavour and create something original and more appealing. I would have to dig deeper for the resources required.

Producing open educational resources or reusing them is like cooking using some of the ingredients we already have, or that we can get somewhere and prepare in a way that serves us well.

In this session we will focus on:

·         Gathering resources (which sometimes you already have in your fridge)

·         Transforming (take what you have and convert it into something appealing)

·         Validating (test the dish yourself or invite a friend to try it)

·         Sharing (invite people for dinner)

·         Collecting evidence (ask friends for feedback, so you can do even better next time)

First activity

As a first activity, we would ask you to answer a few questions in this survey. The objective of the survey is to get a general view of the current attitude towards sharing training content within the meteorological community. The survey is short and anonymous. There is no need to login and it should take you about 10 minutes to complete. It would be great if you could forward the link to this survey to your colleagues and other trainers. The more views we gather, the better.
We will share the results of the survey with you on Monday.

Looking forward to sharing more with you,
Maja, Pat and Lu

Alternatively, you can use the link to the survey below

Em resposta à Luciane Veeck

Re: Cooking OERs

por Ivan Smiljanic -

Very nice parallel.. I like it very much!

You know at my university there was (and fortunately, still is) one professor that was explaining class called 'Dynamics in Meteorology' (pretty harsh one) with all the parallels from cooking - so even this hard material was in that way pretty fluid for all of us. Scientists say that our brain can memorize information itself as you can preserve your picture done with stick in mud - it is lost forever, very very soon. But if you do so analogy of this information with something familiar, then it's much more likely to be pierced to you brain for a long time.

This is a one more , important, ingredient for producing educational resources - thank you guys for making your intro in such way! - Also it's much more fun like this :) (also, if you have fun, then it's also more likely that you will remember it!)

Now, to survey..



Em resposta à Ivan Smiljanic

Re: Cooking OERs

por Maja Kuna -

Thanks Ivan for being enthusiastic about 'cooking' with us. Preparing open resources starts from positive attitude towards sharing, and not technical skills or knowledge about copyright law. We will base this session on everybody's input. It is great we've received your reply to the forum and survey so promptly.

