Pragmatism (final learning theory)

Pragmatism (final learning theory)

от Patrick Parrish -
Количество ответов: 0

Dear CALMet colleagues,

Tonight I posted the final discussion of learning theories. I hope you will find it interesting and of some value. This short essay on Pragmatism is probably the most philosophical of the bunch, but then again, every learning theory we’ve discussed has an implied philosophical perspective that has been either explicit or implicit.

This theory is the one I feel most closely aligned with, so I probably shouldn’t have saved it until last when time is running out. But then again, I hope you will agree provides a nice conclusion. I believe it is the only theory in the list that begins to explain why some people are inherently engaged learners and become lifelong, self-directed learners. It describes how an orientation toward learning develops and is sustained.  And it begins to describe things that teachers can do to foster this kind of engagement. It surely deserves  more words, but I tried to distill some of the key points, and those of you who are interested can find more or ask for more.

You’ll find it in the usual place:, and also attached for those who might not otherwise visit the site.

I want to thank all of you who have taken time to listen to and read these essays, conversations, or whatever they are, and especially those who contributed to the forum. They will stay on the site, so I hope many of you will return to take a look when you have more time. The forum will remain alive as well, even after CALMet is officially closed, so don’t hesitate to offer comments or ask questions.

Best regards,
