Closing CALMet Online, 2012

Closing CALMet Online, 2012

par Patrick Parrish,
Nombre de réponses : 1

Dear CALMet colleagues,

It has been over three months since we began this second CALMet Online Conference, and it has been highly successful in offering a rich body of resource materials and generating a significant amount of discussion in our community of trainers and educators—resources and discussions that would not otherwise now be collected on the CALMet Online website at But it is now time to close the event for this year.

The collected resources, as well as the discussions we had around them, will persist even though the conference itself is over. What this means is that the conference has served to provide even more substance to our community and will help to sustain it as we move forward.

It is hard to quantify participation in this kind of long-term and virtual activity, but some basic facts are that we have had 129 participants registered on the site, and that over the course of the event, the Moodle logs show over 5000 actions taken. These actions included views of resources, attending live events, reading discussion post, making new discussion posts, accessing surveys and other interactions, viewing recordings, and instructors offering new resources and stimulating discussions. What this number doesn’t include are the many more people who monitored the discussions via email without visiting the site!

It was an amazing congregation of intelligent and interested people converging on an opportunity to improve professionally and to contribute to helping the community to grow. We want to particularly thank the EUMETSAT training team for their strong support and willingness to host the CALMet Online Moodle site this year, and allowing us to unite with their annual conference that took place this year in Sopot, Poland, which offered such a lively start to the conference events. Additionally, we need to thank all the facilitators for taking a significant amount of their time to offering such interesting and engaging sessions.

Next year, instead of online, we are organizing CALMet X 2013 in Toulouse, France, and we hope to see many of you there. We have posted the conference flyer to the CALMet Online site.

Please continue to use the site and its resources. And don’t hesitate to add comments to the forums if you have a burning issue to raise or question to ask. Many of us will be listening for quite a while yet.

Thanks for your participation and contributions, and for your enthusiasm. We hope to meet you online again, or in person, in the near future.

Happy holidays,

The CALMet Online Organizing Committee

En réponse à Patrick Parrish

Re: Closing CALMet Online, 2012

par Mark Higgins,

I really enjoyed participating in CALMET Online this year - I learned much from the instructors and everyone who posted from their practical experience - thank you to all of you. And it was also nice to become aware of the shared issues we have across the world.

Warm wishes and thank you
