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News forum
General news and announcements
10 Sim
General Discussion about CALMet Online
Use the forum for general comments and questions you'd like everyone to see and respond to.

Fóruns de aprendizagem

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Tópico 1 Past experiences with Discussion Forums
Tell us in a few sentences about your past experience, either good or bad, using online instructional discussion forums. Your experience may have been either as a teacher, facilitator, participant, or student. Don't tell us how you think it could have been made better (yet). For now, just ...
5 Predefinido (Sem resumo)
Discussion forums may never work as well as we would like because . . .
Complete the sentence in the title of this forum by submitting a post describing what you feel are the most significant challenges to hosting online Discussion Forums for instruction--challenges that might appear insurmountable. Be negative, even if you typically see the glass as half full.

(If ...
Online Discussion Forums provide valuable learning opportunities because . . .
Complete the sentence provided in the title of this forum by describe what you feel are the most significant opportunities offered by online Discussion Forums for instruction. Be positive, even if that feels like a stretch for you today.

(If you want to receive emails when someone posts to this ...
An idea I liked from the presentation and readings was...
Tell us an idea you thought was most interesting or useful from the available readings and presentation. Tell us why, and tell us how you could apply this idea.

This forum is a bit different from the previous ones. In this one, we ask you to rate the postings of your colleagues when you think ...
An idea that I question from the presentation and readings was...
Tell us what you doubt about the content,something that you feel is impractical, or something that was confusing.Tell us why you think it is questionable, impractical, or confusing. Do you have something to suggest that might improve it?

This forum is a bit different from the ...
Share your ideas for using Discussion Forums.
Ok, this is where we discuss how we can actually put discussion forums to use for our online, blended-learning, or classroom courses on topics in meteorology or related sciences. Put on your thinking caps, and share any ideas you have, whether you can implement them tomorrow or not. Be creative....
4 Sim
Forum for social interaction and any other discussions
This is our course "cafe" for chatting and sharing anything else you'd like to share with the group. Also, a good place for providing feedback to the organizers.
Tópico 2 Competency Assessment Forum
Following Paul's presentation on June 29, post your thoughts and ideas on implementing competency assessment here.
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Strengths and weaknesses

From the very beginning I want to thank you all for being so patient listening to my presentation. It was a bit strange for me talking to my display instead of watching the audience… after all it was my first presentation online… I promise I’ll be better next time!

But too much about me! Let’s go...

1 Sim
Tópico 3 My experiences: Working in a virtual team
This forum is for sharing our experiences and feelings about working virtually.

How would you describe the virtual teamwork you have attended:
- What did you find challenging?
- What made it successful?
- What would you have done otherwise to make it work even better?
3 Sim
Tópico 4 This is what I would want EUMeTrain to do


Write here your suggestions for the EUMeTrain project (see more of EUMeTrain here)
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