Accessing trace gas data from DLR ATMOS service 


1) Log in to the data service here, by choosing DLR ATMOS data service:

or directly from this link:


2) Log in with your username and password.


3) After logging in to the data service, you should find the NRT, Offline and Level 3 datasets under "gome2a" and "gome3b" folders: 

 NRT L2 Trace gases: gome2a -> near_real_time -> 2019 ->

Offline L2 Trace gases: gome2a -> offline->2019->

Offline Tropical Tropospheric  L3 ozone: gome2a -> level3 -> O3tropo->2019->

Data Records of NO2: gome2a -> level3 ->NO2->2017



Accessing aerosol data from FMI service 


1) Log in to the data service here, by choosing "aerosols":

or directly from this link:


2) log in using the username and password


3) Select the product you would like to order, e.g. Absorbing aerosol index from PMDs, and press "submit"




 4) Select the instruments ( A, B or both), and  set date range, press search


5) A list of files will appear that matches to your search. Select the files you want, or press "select all" at the bottom of the page. Then press "Proceed to order form".


6) Fill in the required information. You will receive a link to your email, where the data can be downloaded as .zip folder. 

Last modified: Thursday, 7 November 2019, 9:52 AM