Topic outline

  • Below is a list of courses and workshops with registration. In order to apply, you must be registered & logged in on this platform. Go to Log in (top right side) to log in or create an account. 
    Next, select the course you are interested in, fill in the Application form & submit it. You will be contacted as soon as the selection of candidates is completed. 

    We are also hosting a number of online short training sessions, such as the:

    • Data Access Services sessions - Click here for more info
    • Data Discovery for Weather, Oceanography, Air Quality and Climate short courses - Click here to apply.

    For a complete list of all our training, check out the calendar.
  • A note on using AI / chatGPT for your application

  • RA-I MTG Satellite Imagery Interpretation Course 2025

    This satellite applications course in English language is suitable for forecasters in Africa, independent of their work experience. The course will introduce the participants with the new operational MTG satellite, its instruments and capabilities for different weather applications in Africa. 

    We will explore the new capabilities of MTG in live session and discussions as well as in weather briefings.

    You will improve your skills in : (a) Finding the new satellite products using openly available data sources such as EUMETVIew, b) Using the information for monitoring the weather in your forecasting office and  c) Being a competent user of virtual course technology.

    As a participant, you will develop professional relationships with other course participants, get connected to satellite professionals ready to help you to understand the new satellite capabilities, and to become a proficient user of the latest satellite products in your daily work.

    Applications closed. Accepted participants will be informed 12 March 2025.

  • RA-I Cours Interprétation de l'imagerie satellitaire MTG 2025


    Ce cours sur les applications satellitaires, dispensé en français, est destiné aux prévisionnistes d'Afrique, quelle que soit leur expérience professionnelle. Il présentera aux participants le nouveau satellite opérationnel MTG, ses instruments et ses capacités pour diverses applications météorologiques en Afrique.

    Les nouvelles capacités de MTG seront explorées à travers des sessions en direct, des discussions interactives et des briefings météorologiques.

    Vous améliorerez vos compétences dans les domaines suivants : (a) Trouver les nouveaux produits satellitaires en utilisant des sources de données librement accessibles telles que EUMETView, (b) Utiliser les informations pour surveiller la météo dans votre bureau de prévision et (c) Être un utilisateur compétent de la technologie des cours virtuels.

    Comme participant, vous pourrez développer des relations professionnelles avec d'autres participants au cours, être en contact avec des professionnels des satellites qui seront prêts à vous aider à comprendre les nouvelles capacités des satellites, et à devenir un utilisateur compétent des plus récents produits satellitaires dans votre travail quotidien.

    31 mars-18 avril 2025, en ligne

    Les candidatures sont fermées. Les participants acceptés seront informés le 12 mars 2025.

  • ESSL-EUMETSAT Testbeds on Severe Convective Storms 2025

    ESSL and EUMETSAT organize a series of testbeds to prepare forecasters from the EUMETSAT Member States to use the data from Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) and Metop Second Generation (Metop-SG) satellites. These testbeds are organized both to teach forecasting severe convective storms, using state-of-the-art or even experimental forecasting tools, and to evaluate such tools. Forecasters will learn by making severe weather forecasts and nowcasts using a mix of new nowcasting and forecasting tools, followed by a verification. Particular focus will be given to the use of MTG satellite data and products, from both FCI and LI sensors. In addition, a range of state-of-the-art nowcasting tools and numerical weather prediction-based guidance (i.e. from DWD, ZAMG, ESSL, and ECMWF) will be evaluated.

    Target group: Forecasters from the EUMETSAT Member States who train other forecasters and forecasters with a strong background in severe storms meteorology.

    Location & dates
    All testbeds will take place at ESSL Research and Training Centre (Wiener Neustadt, Austria).

    • 5 - 9 May 2025 
    • 12 - 16 May 2025 (COURSE FULL! No seats available!)
    • 2 -6 June 2025  (COURSE FULL! No seats available!)
    • 1 - 5 September 2025
    • 13 - 17 October 2025 (COURSE FULL! No seats available!)

    Monday: 10:00 - 17:00  |   Tuesday - Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00    |    Friday: 09:00 - 13:00

    Weekly schedule: Candidates need to come from EUMETSAT Member States and have a nomination by their home institution. For accepted candidates, EUMETSAT plans to sponsor the cost of testbed attendance and, upon request, the cost for travel, accommodation and subsistence.

    How to apply:

    If you already have an account on this platform, login to it before proceeding. Otherwise, please make sure you create an account: click on Login (top right section of the page), create a new user (Create an account) and follow the procedure. Once the account has been created, please log in.

    PLEASE NOTE: It is mandatory to complete a test before filling in the application form. The test results will be used to refine the activities of the testbed and adjust the difficulty levels to best match participants' needs. After submitting the test, you will be able to submit the application form. If you have any problem, please contact the Training team at

    • We invite you to take this test to assess your current understanding of the topic. Your results will help us tailor the testbed activities to better suit your needs. 
      Once you complete the test, apply using this questionnaire.

    • questionnaire icon
      Apply for a Testbed in 2025 Questionnaire
      Not available unless: You achieve higher than a certain score in Mandatory Test
  • International Summer School on Applications with the Newest Multi-spectral Environmental Satellites 2025

    Overall objective of the Summer School is an in depth explanation of remote-sensing methods and techniques used to extract information from environmental satellite data, with emphasis on the latest measuring technologies, in particular the MTG mission. 

    The course consists of lectures and practical sessions, run using McIDAS-V processing and visualization tool. English is the official language of the School. All provided material will be in English.

    Date: 30 June - 9 July 2025
    Location: Bracciano, Italy

    Daily timetable: 30 June - 4 July and 7 - 8 July 2025 from 9 am to 5pm, 9 July 2025 from 9am to 1pm

    Application deadline: 22 April 2025

    This course addresses experienced professionals working with remote sensing data (forecasters, researchers, post-graduate students etc.) interested in updating their knowledge and skills on remote sensing environmental applications. The applicants must have an academic degree either in Meteorology, Physics, Environmental Sciences or Environmental Engineering. Applicants should be proficient in the English language to attend the course.

    The course is intended primarily for the European audience, with advantage given to the EUMETSAT member state applicants. Depending on availability, additional applicants might be accepted. Candidates will be selected on the basis of their proven experiences in environmental remote sensing.

    How to apply: If you already have an account on this platform, use the link below to submit your application form.

    Otherwise, please make sure you create an account: click on Login (top right section of the page), create a new user (Create an account) and follow the procedure. Once the account has been created, please log in, then apply using the link below. If you have any problem, please contact the Training Team (

  • Short Courses on Data Discovery for Weather, Oceanography, Air Quality and Climate

    To apply for the courses in the Short Courses on Data Discovery for Weather, Oceanography, Air Quality and Climate, please click here