Cross-thematic Webinars (short courses)

Series of online short courses on data discovery for weather, oceanography, air quality and climate

The courses are open and address a wide range of attendees, from service providers to  scientists and forecasters. Participants will have the opportunity to learn: 

      • which are the EUMETSAT and Copernicus free and open data.
      • where to access the data and where to find information about the data.
      • how to handle the data using the tools proposed.
The format of each short course is a 1-2 hour webinar including a presentation and demonstration of data discovery and application. You will have the opportunity to interact with experts and ask questions. 
 Certificates of participation may be awarded upon request. All sessions will be recorded.  
Short_course_48_Applying Case 2 Regional Coast Colour (C2RCC) Algorithms to EUMETSAT OLCI Products

This short course will focus on the application of Case 2 Regional Coast ...

Short_course_47_EUMETSAT MTG-I1 Flexible Combined Imager (FCI)
This short course on MTG-I1 Flexible Combined Imager (FCI) continues the ...
Short_course_46_EUMETSAT MTG-I1 Lightning Imager

This short course on Lightning Imager (LI) onboard the Meteosat Third ...

Short_course_45_OSI SAF sea ice climate records

This event will focus on presenting the Sea Ice Climate Records produced and ...

Short_course_44_Monitoring and modelling extreme waves using altimetry

This advanced event will focus on the application of satellite altimetry ...

Short_course_43_CLARA -A new Climate Data Record on Earth Radiation Budget

This online short course presents CLARA-A3, the latest edition a global ...

Short_course_41_Wildfire Monitoring with Next-Generation Satellites

Recently launched and upcoming satellites, such as the Meteosat Third ...
Short_course_40_SARAH – A Climate Data Record on Surface Solar Radiation

This online short course presents SARAH-3, the latest edition of the ...

Short_course_39_How to develop impactful and educational Jupyter notebooks?

By using Project Jupyter tools primarily for Earth observation data ...

Short_Course_38_Discovering MTG-I1 data using the SIFT visualisation tool

In this event, EUMETSAT is demonstrating a multi-mission data visualisation ...

Short course_EUMETSAT MTG-I data Reception and Visualization (Arabic) 2023

The main objective is to raise awareness of the evaluations in ...

Short_course_37_Dust monitoring and forecasting: 2023 events

Europe experiences regular Saharan dust transports across the Iberian ...

Short_course_36_CLAAS - A Climate Data Record of Cloud Properties

This online short course presents CLAAS-3, the latest edition of the ...

Short_course_35: New approaches and tools for performing ocean colour match-up analyses with OLCI

This advanced to expert level short course will focus on recent changes to ...

Short_course_34: Wildfire Monitoring with Next-Generation Satellites

In the near future, new satellites such as Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) ...

Short_course_33: Recent Developments in Altimetry Measurements - Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich

This short course will focus on the new capabilities of the Sentinel-6 ...

Short_course_32: Marine Weather Forecasting

Satellite data products are relevant tools for monitoring marine weather and ...

Short_course_30: The AI Mooc - The story behind a Mooc

EUMETSAT his often asked for the story behind the MOOC - what is it, why did ...

Ocean and Sea Ice (OSI) SAF webinars (1/3): Sea Surface Temperature

This is the first in the series of 3 Ocean and Sea Ice SAF (OSI SAF) webinars...

Ocean and Sea Ice (OSI) SAF webinars (3/3): Climate Data Records

This is the third in the series of 3 Ocean and Sea Ice SAF (OSI SAF) webinars...

Short_course_28: Fire Danger Near Real Time Monitoring in the Mediterranean region

The fire season over the Mediterranean region typically starts in May-June. ...

Short_course_27: Convective storms - What can satellite data tell us?

Viewing at the storm clouds from above tells us about their interior dynamics...

Short_course_26: Dust monitoring with satellite and ground-based observations

This short course will give you an introduction to dust monitoring and ...

Short_course_25: AI for atmospheric composition - how to enhance resolution using satellite data

This course presents how new Artificial Intelligence methods could be used in...

Short_course_23: Explore Analysis Ready Data (ARD) with the data cube for atmospheric composition

Analysis Ready Data (ARD) data are Earth Observation data pre-processed for ...

Short_course_22: Coding for EO (Python & R)

This course is aimed at demystifying Earth Observation satellite data use ...

Short_course_21: Winter Weather in Satellite Data

Similar to snow covered hills with its unique view, but also hidden dangers,...

Short_course_20: Weather-related satellite data with Jupyter Notebooks

This short course offers an introduction to the weather-related satellite ...

Short_course_19: Application of machine learning approaches to ocean colour topics

In the course we will learn some of the most popular machine learning ...

Short_course_18: Gap Filling Ocean Data (statistical and machine learning methods)

The ocean is a complex system with processes at various scales interacting ...

Short_course_17: Machine Learning for Seamless Thunderstorm Nowcasting from Multiple Data Sources

Machine learning has recently been used for nowcasting weather phenomena in ...

EUMETSAT New Data Services for Data Centre Users - Accessing and Tailoring SEVIRI 1.5 Data

We inform you on the availability of new and modern Data Services at EUMETSAT...

Short_course_16: A Climate Data Record of Soil moisture in the root zone

Environmental and weather prediction systems rely on an accurate ...

Short_course_15: Exploring the EUMETSAT Land-Surface Temperature Data Records

What is Land Surface Temperature (LST)? How is it measured? What is it used ...

Short_course_14: Spot atmospheric convection from satellite: What satellite data is used in convection analysis

Discover what satellite data is used in convection analysis and try yourself ...

Short_course_13: The temperature of the sea surface

Discover Global sea surface temperature data from the SLSTR instrument ...

Short_course_12: How to build a case study – a demo session

Have you ever done case study yourself? What is the case study anyway – is ...

Short_course_11: The ozone hole tour

This short course focuses on the ozone dataset from the GOME-2 instrument. We...

Short_course_10: Applications of R-Instat to analyse and validate satellite based climate time series

In this short course you will be introduced to R-Instat, its functionalities ...
Short_course_09: Learn to use an R based toolbox to analyse climate time series - Basics

In this short course you will be introduced to the CM SAF R Toolbox and its ...

Short_course_08: What is a gridded dataset and how to create it?

Download, plot and explore level 2 data and build a gridded dataset following...

Short_course_07: The colour of the oceans

Discover Ocean and Land Colour data from the Instruments (OLCI) onboard the ...

Short_course_05: A climate data record of "sunshine", SARAH

Details on the CM SAF SARAH climate data record (available since 1983), ...

Short_course_04: Summer(s) of fires: the 2020 wildfires in Australia, Siberia and California

Learn more about fire monitoring with satellites in general and the NRT ...

Short_course_03: Satellite skills training online: a short introduction

A framework for teaching skills (Merril, M. D (2002) for teaching satellite ...

Short_course_02: A light on heat: what radiation tells about soil, air and fire.

A formula-free approach to remote sensing based on images from GOES and ...

Short_course_01: How high is the sea? A discovery of altimetry data

Discover the sea level data from the SRAL sensor onboard the Sentinel-3 ...

Using EUMETSAT’s Climate Data Records: Satellite data for climate applications

Get an overview on the climate data records available from the EUMETSAT ...

Using Copernicus Atmospheric Composition data: Satellite Data for Atmospheric Applications

Learn about Copernicus data for Atmospheric Composition and learn how to ...

Using Copernicus Marine Data: Satellite data for ocean applications

This short course will guide attendess through the workflow of finding ...
