Topic outline

  • How to build a case study – a demo session

    Have you ever done case study yourself? What is the case study anyway – is this a nice short story about the event that happened, supported by some scientific variables? Or this is research paper triggered by a certain event that did not go under public or scientific radar? Why and how experts produce case studies, and who needs them anyway?

    In this short course webinar we will try to answer aforementioned questions and hint you about the tools and know-how to assist your own potential venture into case studies. 

    with Ivan Smiljanic and Natasa Strelec Mahovic

    Joining the session

    For Q&A, go to and use #EUMSC12 or simply go to (no log in required). 

    Session recordings

    The recording of the webinar from 17 March is now available:  


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