Enrolment options

This is the online training phase of the Third ACAM Training School (24-25 June 2019) will be focused on Satellite Observations and Analysis of Atmospheric Chemistry and Aerosols in the Asian Monsoon region. The school is held in conjunction with the Fourth ACAM Workshop (26-28 June) in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM).

The specific goal of the training school is to enhance capacity of early career scientists in the areas of atmospheric composition data analysis using satellite remote sensing, model and analysis products. The 2-day training school will provide lectures and tutorials on using latest and comprehensive global datasets on atmospheric composition. Participants will develop small-scale science projects to apply these datasets in their area of research interests. 

During this online phase, participants will get familiar with the datasets and discuss their projects with trainers.

Dates: 24 - 25 June 2019, Malaysia

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)