Enrolment options

The Baltic+ course is a joint initiative of the National Meteorological Services of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland, who join forces in order to increase the knowledge in skills in the use of satellite observation data and to create a platform for exchanging ideas, applications and knowledge.

This year course will deal with the application of the satellite products for diagnosis of southerly flow environment favourable to pre-convection and summer heavy precipitation.

The objectives in this year’s Baltic+ course will be to improve forecasters’ skills in: 

·         selecting the appropriate satellite products for identification of the environments favourable to pre-convection and summer heavy precipitation;

·         recognizing the features on the satellite products that indicate the development of the event  using the weather chart, as well as NWP, radar and soundings data;

·         getting the knowledge on the usefulness of the satellite data in issuing warnings for the event,

The course will be organized on the Moodle platform, and it will run 12-30 April 2021. The follow-up workshop will be organized 18-20 May 2021, with participant presentations and short webinars.

Self enrolment (Participant)
Self enrolment (Participant)