The Training School and Workshop on Dust Aerosol Detection and Monitoring aims to provide an awareness of state-of-the-art satellite-based, ground-based, and model-based products for aerosol detection and monitoring. In addition, it will offer opportunities to learn more about the applicability and effectiveness of the respective products.
This school is jointly organized by EUMETSAT and the WMO SDS-WAS Regional Center (which is managed by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, BSC, and the Spanish Meteorological State Agency, AEMET) with the support of Copernicus and ACTRIS programmes.
Target audience
- Actors in Meteorological and transnational Agencies, focusing on Europe, North Africa, Middle East, and Sahelian Africa.
- Researchers / academics from the above regions, with a focus on beginners in aerosol detection and monitoring.
Course outline
Phase I: Training School | 9-12 November (open to all)
Phase I direct enrollment here!
Phase I: Training School | 9-12 November (open to all)
- 1-hour webinars on the basics of aerosol and dust, principles of observations, modeling and forecast; including retrievals and uncertainty.
- 1-hour practical data discovery sessions with assignments and introduction to the intuitive learning of the key satellite, ground-based, and modeling products.
Phase II: Practical workshop | (by application - closed on 15 October)
**New schedule due to the high amount of applications**
15-17 November
09:00-11:00 CET: Group 1
12:00-14:00 CET: Group 2
22-24 November
09:00-11:00 CET: Group 3
12:00-14:00 CET: Group 4
Selected participants will receive information about the group assignation and how to join their practical session.
The workshop will be based on data discovery, practical case studies and exercises. During the practical training, you will learn basic principles in data handling, management and processing with Python.
- Collaborating, networking, interact with the experts.
- Extensive practical training with daily assignments.
- Perform analysis with multiple datasets on real case of dust event monitoring and forecast.
- Group work: participants needs and special projects (e.g. focus on a specific region, identify different type of aerosols, characterize an event, implement a workflow etc.)
- A basic knowledge in programming would be advantageous.
- A basic understanding in structure and formats of geospatial data / Earth Observation data
Course resources - Presentations and recordings
**this section is updated on a day to day basis**Day 1 - Tuesday, 9 November
- General introduction to the training, Federico Fierli, EUMETSAT > download pdf
- Introduction to desert dust, Sara Basart, BSC > download pdf
- Observing aerosols, Federico Fierli, EUMETSAT > download pdf
- Data discovery - general intro slides to each data session in the course, Julia Wagemann and Sabrina Szeto, MEEO s.r.l. > download pdf
Recording of the online session:
Day 2 - Wednesday, 10 November
- Introduction to satellite data, Anu-Maija Sundström, FMI > download pdf
Recording of the online session:
Day 3 - Thursday, 11 November
- Dust ground based observations, Lucia Mona, ACTRIS - CNR > download pdf
Recording of the online session:
Day 4 - Friday, 12 November
- Modelling and forecasting Sand and Dust Storms - Model evaluation, Sara Basart, BSC > download pdf
Recording of the online session: