What are your thoughts?

What are your thoughts?

por Sarah Kimani -
Número de respostas: 16

Dear Calmeteers,

We just had a great chat session with great contributions from Izolda, Vesa, Philip, Patricia, Ian, Pat just to mention a few. Thank you to all those who attended. 

For those who missed, you can get to have a look at the slides on https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1JyM8ZqldfGgjMSK8WDgthSmEZ-yfYf4FJ_S7YEKF8lA/edit#slide=id.p and we shall avail the chat session too which you can also access through https://classroom.eumetsat.int/mod/chat/report.php?id=7002

This is just one way of utilizing text chat and Google presentation

    What other ways can we utilize this tool? How would text chat work best and for what purposes?

    Are there any challenges one might encounter while using the text chat?

The next weather briefing will be on 8th October, 2014 at 12UTC.


Sarah Kimani

Em resposta a 'Sarah Kimani'

Re: What are your thoughts?

por Maja Kuna -

Hi Sarah,

Thank you for a very good start. I think we were 20 all together today? I am sharing a screenshot that I took just at the beginning. I missed the end, so great to see that the history is available.

Answering your questions, I use chat at work all the time but especially when I want to receive a timely answer. So the immediacy of a chat and easiness of use is a big advantage to me. I am sure there are other advantages.

The text format can be limiting, but you found a way to over come it using Google presentation for sharing images. Then many chat tools have a native functionality of image sharing.

And as for other synchronous tools, finding suitable time for everybody to meet is sometimes a challenge. I hope the time of your next session suits even better to everybody schedules. :)

Looking forward to the next briefing.



Em resposta a 'Maja Kuna'

Re: What are your thoughts?

por Sarah Kimani -


Thank you for your contribution and feedback.

I agree, using text chat in the office all day is great since you get instant response. Do you think it's convenient as compared to webinars for discussions especially in a shared office to avoid disrupting colleagues? :-)



Em resposta a 'Sarah Kimani'

Re: What are your thoughts?

por Wilfried Jacobs -

Dear all,

I see that you continued discussing after I left the chat. Unfortuntaley, I did see nothing from your discussions live, no images or so. May be that I made something wrong? Is a short description available how to handle the software?

Thank you for your efforts. Hopefully I can join the next Calmet online from the beginning.


Em resposta a 'Wilfried Jacobs'

Re: What are your thoughts?

por Vesa Nietosvaara -

Hi, Wilfried,

Sarah made a nice session guidance at


that explains how to chat in one and view the slides on another window. You can maybe try it out again on Wednesday?

Sarah, I like to join the chat room, read some discussion and take my time to view the slides at my own pace. It is so different from the normal online weather webinars, that i have attended. They require shorter but more intense attention.

I would like to use this kind of chart discussion on some future training course. Thank you for your demonstration today.

Em resposta a 'Vesa Nietosvaara'

Re: What are your thoughts?

por Sarah Kimani -


Thank you for your feedback :-)

Using the text chat as a training tool is a great application in a future training. In your opinion, what could be some of the challenges that a trainer could face while using text chat as a training tool? :-).



Em resposta a 'Wilfried Jacobs'

Re: What are your thoughts?

por Sarah Kimani -

Dear Wilfried,

It's unfortunate you didn't get to join the chat but we hope to have you on board tomorrow after following my short instructions that Vesa has directed  you to. You can try logging in an 30 - 45 mins earlier and let me know if you succeed and I can guide you on the same tomorrow. 



Em resposta a 'Sarah Kimani'

Re: What are your thoughts?

por Patrick Parrish -

Hi Sarah,

For me, free form chat works well with just a few people, but when you have 20, as you did today, it can get pretty chaotic. However, the slides you provided and the questions you asked helped to focus discussion and comments, so it worked! I think for this kind of session, the more structure the better. I might even go so far as to write the question on each slide asking what you want people to look for. It might also be good to provide a table of contents at the start telling what each of the slides will offer. Just some ideas...

Nice job.


Em resposta a 'Patrick Parrish'

Re: What are your thoughts?

por Sarah Kimani -

Dear Pat,

Thank you for your feedback and great ideas. 

It can be chaotic and overwhelming with a large audience especially if the time for the discussions is limited. Text chat is live but has it's own pace, with this in mind, an idea is to deliver the Weather briefing/presentation then open the stage for questions and comments after. The presenter can then attend to  the questions one by one (by reading off the chat at a slower pace) while discussing the same with the participants since the discussions are open for a couple of hours. Other ideas how this challenge can be addressed?

I like very much your idea of having a more structured presentation by having table of content at the beginning and having questions of what I want the participants to look for at the bottom of each slide, brilliant! : -)



Em resposta a 'Sarah Kimani'

Re: What are your thoughts?

por Larisa Nikitina -

Hello all!

Sarah, thank you so much for this interesting experiment!

I did not contribute yesterday in the chat, as I was very busy with a very urgent work. But I managed to have my work done and to understand the information, returning to read what`s new when I have a little time. That is what I found to be a great benefit of this kind of activity!

I mean, Vesa :-), that while I was doing my urgent work, I was at the same time able to monitor and keep up the discussion. It is the same way as I use Skype in my office only at chat mode :-)

I think it might be good for forecaster who can follow the briefing while they are on shift. For sure, they could not contribute a lot but they would get the information, or they can join the chart later after shift or when they have time. I wonder how long can this chat be opened for discussions?

For example, as we see the chat forecast was not so good – no showers at the last image of chat! :-) Could we return now to the chat and try to find what the reason of failure was?

In addition, it could be a good thing for such big country as Russia. At the end of October, we will have 11 time zones! Could you imagine how to do the live synchronous meeting at these conditions? Me not and it is still an opened question. The 24 hours opened chat room may be an answer but the problem is in moderating it and keeping in touch with other forecasters from different time zones.

 As for advantages:

  1. My own pace of contribution, I can join and go out easily without losing information.
  2. It do not take all my attention and time, for the intensive operational conditions, it is useful.
  3. It is good idea for such big country as Russia with a lot of time zones.
  4. It is very suitable for the shy people. I do know how it is hard to start talking to microphone, typing is better sometimes :-)
  5. It is easy to jump between the images if you want to refresh or compare them. And as I understand it is easy for presenter to change or put new images in-fly.

As for challenges (maybe for me only):

  1. It takes a lot of time (twice or three times then video/audio weather briefing). We all have a lack of time! :-)
  2. I agree with Pat about a little bit chaotic atmosphere. Maybe it need more strong moderation to take all people attention and more clear structure and plan of briefing then for audio chat.
  3. If it is more than 20 people (as it was yesterday), the messages of somebody entering chart or going away is a little bit annoying especially when you returning to read the discussion. I do know that it is good for moderator but it distracts the attention of participants.
  4. I did not check all tools useful for chat briefing but so far seems to me it is not so easy for participants to drawn in a Google docs. Btw, do the participants need a Google registration to use Google docs?

Thanks again!



Em resposta a 'Larisa Nikitina'

Re: What are your thoughts?

por Sarah Kimani -

Dear Larisa,

Your feedback and input is great. For a participant who was multi tasking, you have the most ideas and suggestions *clap clap*. (Disclaimer; Not advised :))), on a light touch, but really that is great. 

It can be a great tool if implemented for forecasters on shift, you have mentioned a few challenges that may be associated with this such as; forecasters who are on different time zones may find it difficult to keep in touch. The chat room can be opened as long as there is need for it to be open, it can be opened for 24 hours like you have mentioned and this would require several moderators (on shift too :-)). Participants who would then join at different times can follow the chat and review what had already been discussed, this is still an idea that is open for discussion. 

The last image I posted was of the weather conditions in my location (Central Kenya environs where we has sunny conditions), what we attempted to forecast was the North West (another climatic zone) which I verified today had showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon. We can discuss in the forum what the cause of failure was as only one person gave a correct forecast. Can forecasters verify their forecasts via text chat? My answer is why not? :-)

You have captured the advantages and challenges of using text chat very well and some of these challenges are what we are hoping to discuss in the forum.



Em resposta a 'Sarah Kimani'

Re: What are your thoughts?

por Sarah Kimani -

Hi All,

I have gone ahead and summarized feedback and ideas for this tool. The idea is to share this mode of holding presentations which can be implemented in various ways as suggested and try to understand how it works by sharing ideas, looking at the advantages and challenges and further addressing these challenges. I shall attempt to address some of these challenges in our weather briefing for tomorrow but meanwhile, look at my summary, share more ideas and suggestions. 

See you tomorrow :-)


Sarah Kimani

Em resposta a 'Sarah Kimani'

Re: What are your thoughts?

por Izolda Marcinonienė -

Dear colleagues,

it was interesting to go over all participants' thoughts relating to the first briefing from Kenya.

I agree with Pat-obviously, this way of communication between the teachers and learners is better for small group.

I assent to Larisa:Too noisy chat in spite of any voice we could hear!I mean noisy text-lots of additional information in the same leter text colour and font.(Izolda has just left..izolda has just entered..etc.)

It takes too much time comparing with "voice" ppt (for instance, online Eumetrain weather briefings). "The colours" of presenter's voice during the presentation is very important-so we loose it...

It was the first time I have tried on Google so a bit difficult to find and monitor tools.

On the other hand, if participants are from different time zones or they are on shifts, it is quite an  appropriate solution (and for free).

Good luck and see you tomorrow:)

Em resposta a 'Izolda Marcinonienė'

Re: What are your thoughts?

por Sarah Kimani -

Dear Izolda,

Thank you for your feedback. 

I agree, using the text chat the presentation looses the 'colour' of the presenter's voice. Text chat is based on the fact that it requires a low band width to make a presentation as compared to voice weather briefings which requires a strong internet connection.

We hope to have you in today's presentation.

Kind regards,

Sarah Kimani

Em resposta a 'Sarah Kimani'

Re: What are your thoughts?

por Simon Ageet -

Dear Sarah,

I looked at the summary doc. you made. Although I missed the briefing I imagine this platform limits if a member wants to illustrate his point physically. Say wants to point at an exact spot on the map. 

I will make sure I attend today's briefing.

