Dear wonderful 150+ CALMeters,
yes, we are so many enrolled in this event. Many thanks for joining us so far; we really appreciate your active participation, contribution and sharing.
Week-3 was interesting with mindmap and Padlet activities. Thank you for Anna, Lu, Ivan, Alessandro and Maja for introducing us the simple but very useful and multifunction tools for brainstorming. We are sure the participants will get inspired and creatively use the tools to help them in learning - teaching process and daily routines as well.
Also thank you for your kind support and help for developing the webin@r checklist. Once we really focused our discussion about it, we realized that conducting a successful Webinar session is a complex and challenging activity. We do hope that with the list we developed together, we will have a guidance and reference when conducting our own future Webinars. We have a list of things to do before - during and after the session, in some conditions with some constraints. Trainer Mike must be very happy for having the list - no need to pull his hair out - and his boss will be satisfied with his job. Soon we will surely see the summary from Trainer Mike in CALMet Commons.
Is Mike the only person who welcomes the new challenge happily?
Challenge is everywhere. New things, new conditions, and even new satellite, brings challenge. Beginning week-4, we will be hosted by Bernie Connell, from CIRA, She will be our facilitator in discussion about the old and new satellite and the changes it brings. We will learn about various aspect that will affect our training when a new satellite with new capabilities and products becomes available.
Let's meet Bernie in Facilitator Book and get started!
Best Regards,
Roro - Vesa