CALMet Online 2016 closing!

CALMet Online 2016 closing!

от Roro Yuliana Purwanti -
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Dear 150 colleagues from 54 countries,

The final session "How to make a competency assessor more competent at assessing" is now closing. Thank you, Assessor Team, for running this final session on CALMet Online 2016!

As CALMet Online is now also closing, we like to send warm thanks to all our more than twenty facilitators who prepared their sessions and made their great contribution to CALMET Online to happen.

We are glad that again such a significant number of enrolled participants participated in the event.

Here's a brief summary of the sessions:

                - We began in May with two webinar sessions together with WMO Train the Trainers course. The first one was on how to make the training sessions more active, and the other one allowed CALMeters to join the monthly weather briefing of the Regional Focus Group of Central and South America and the Caribbean.

                - In June Gamification session, our facilitators showed how games may offer a way to engage the learners better and improve learner retention.

                - In July the Himawari Training session showed the process of designing training resources for preparation of new generation of geostationary satellite. We discussed how collaboration among the satellite champions and stakeholders as well as the Regional Focus Group sessions can foster the readiness of user community for new satellite and satellite products.

From late September to mid-October was a time for short sessions on learning supporting systems and technology:

                - CALMet Moodle Course session introduced the recently published Moodle course that is available for anyone interested. This course offers guidance and ideas for designing an effective learning environment, providing learning resources or opportunities for dialogue and reflection in Moodle environment.

                - Online Experimentation session gave us an opportunity to see how emerging technologies offer new ways for running laboratory experiments and smart sensors remotely.

                - Plug-in for Moodle session introduced a new, quicker way to prepare meteorology simulations.

                - Further, Eumetcal workshop opened a window to CALMet Onliners to follow the ongoing discussion about the role and challenge of forecasters in the future and about communication challenges in meteorological services. 

                - Finally, the event was completed with a session on assessment and competency assessors.

All in all we facilitated this time eight independent CALmet Online sessions.

Here are some final remarks from us:

1. The event site will stay available for you to re-access the session resources.

2. Whether you are a participant or a facilitator in this event, we welcome your feedback and ideas to improve the future CALMet Events. The Evaluation Form is now open. Please fill it in by 15 November 2016.

3. If you need a certificate for your participation in CALMet Online, you will find it below the Evaluation Form link after submitting your evaluation.

4. Next year it is again time for the CALMet face to face! The Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre in Australia will host the CALMet XII Workshop in Melbourne 29 August – 1 September 2017. The themes of the workshop will be on Best practices in implementing learning and development activities, Core competencies training, Active teaching techniques, Future training needs and on Collaboration. We will share the Workshop Announcement once it becomes available.

Thank you for joining us in CALMet Online 2016. 

Take care!


Your co-chairs Roro and Vesa

roro and vesa