Session 1: Week one winding down, Week two about to begin

Session 1: Week one winding down, Week two about to begin

par Pat Parrish,
Nombre de réponses : 0

Hi everyone,

This weekend will mark the end of the first week of our CALMet session on discussion forums. Participants have already contributed a lot of great comments about their experiences and thoughts about discussion forums, but I’m sure there are still plenty of good points to be made. If you haven’t had a lot of experience with discussion forums, don’t let that stop you from contributing your thoughts. You might even tell us what you think based on the forums we’re having so far in this session.

This weekend, several readings will be made available, along with some forums for you to use to comment on them. In addition, the login information about the coming live session to be presented by Joni Dunlap is now available on the course site. This will take place at 14:00 UTC on Tuesday, 11 May. We will run a short test session on Monday at the same time of day (14:00 UTC) in case you’d like to test the GoToWebinar software before the actual session.

Thanks to all of you who have been contributing. I encourage the rest of you to “speak up” as well and share your thoughts.
