Next CALMet Online session this week: EUMeTrain, Experiences in new satellite training methods

Next CALMet Online session this week: EUMeTrain, Experiences in new satellite training methods

de Pat Parrish -
Número de respuestas: 0
Hi everyone,

This is just a reminder about this week's upcoming closing session for CALMet Online 2011, hosted by the EUMeTrain Group. If you have not yet done so, please register for the session using the link at The live portion of the session takes place on Wednesday, 24 November, at 14:00 UTC. Please make your own time conversion, but as a hint, this is 7:00 am Mountain time in Denver, and pretty darn late in Melbourne, Australia.

EUMeTrain Group
Online Session Date: 24 November, 14 UTC
Topic: EUMeTrain has gained experience in online training, production of CAL and self-study material. We have arranged online event weeks and Online weather briefings (SATREP Online). We would like to share our experiences with the CALMet community and to get ideas for improving our pedagogical approach, systems of evaluations and surveys.

Best regards,
The CALMet Online Organizing Committee