Alternative Discussion Techniques: VideoAnt

Alternative Discussion Techniques: VideoAnt

par Pat Parrish,
Nombre de réponses : 0
VideoAnt is a social collaboration tool for annotating video clips with comments. You can see how it works by visiting the link below. The video clip is from a Ted Talk presentation on teaching high school math, but I believe it has something important to say to meteorology educators and trainers as well. Thanks to Ian Bell for pointing out this clip in the WMO Train the Trainer workshop that will be finishing this week in Sibiu, Romania.

After navigating to the site, click the forward arrow to play, and again if you want to pause. You can click "Add a Marker to the Timeline" at any time during the talk to type in your comments related to the the content at that point in the video. Everyone will be able to see each other's comments. Summary discussion could be done by posting responses to this post.