Welcome to the simulators theme of CALMET12

Welcome to the simulators theme of CALMET12

от Mark Higgins -
Количество ответов: 0


Many of us think simulators are a great tool for teaching forecasting. Is that really true? If it is what makes there use good? What should the simulator achieve, how should they be used with forecasters, what is the role of the educator?  

During the following weeks we will work together to gather together what is known about teaching with simulators from research and our own experience. We will then be able to use this knowledge in our teaching practice.

This session will be useful if you use simulators in your teaching or are interested in doing so.  

How to take part

You can choose how much you wish t participate. And you can change your choice over time. The minimum participation is to watch the discussions as they happen, and take from it what you need to. Other who are more involved with teaching using simulations will  post more often.      

The forums will be the main place to post resources and comments. They are where most of the work will happen.  

What to do now

This forum is used for the first part of the session where we will gather  papers, conference abstracts and reports on simulators. So ·       

Step 1 ... if you have a paper, presentation, abstract, report or list of resources on simulators post it here.  [posts can be as short or as long as you like] 

Step 2 ... read what interests you and post your comments queries and suggestions.        

Step 3 ... where do we find consensus, where do we disagree?  

We will also be using a reddit channel on meteorological education  http://www.reddit.com/r/meted/ You can read the channel without signing up, but have to register (free) to post resources and vote on the best resource posts.  Reddit is more public than this forum, and means that we will have access to resources long after CALMET12.    

What to do if you do not want to hear about simulators

If you wish, you can unsubscribe to this forum. You can come back at any time., and you can always views the forum direct in the CALMET 2012 site.     

We hope you enjoy all of CALMET 

Mark and Heleen

(Edited by Vesa Nietosvaara - original submission Wednesday, 12 September 2012, 07:37 AM)